For quite some time, I've been eyeing on this, but picked up immediately when it was put under offer, yesterday. Its a normal movable kitchen rack, but found that its dimensions and aesthetics were more fitting to be a Vinyl rack too.
The season sale is up in Howards, 2nd floor, Phoenix Market city, Bangalore. One un assembled pack fits in a large carry bag contains one box ,which can hold 50 LP's with ease and is available in both black & white colors in laminate finish.
And the provisions are there with a hole-pin lock system, to stack them over, to a max of 4, more than that, when pushed it tends to lean slightly.
2 years ago, I only made a window shopping when they were selling it at Rs.1500 and now I picked up 6, as sale is up, and there for Rs.599.
Howards Storage World
Excuse my poor click, couldn't get clear images.