Building a Volumio based Streamer

Also this OS - doesn't allow Sudo commands. :) So that is out.
You don't require sudo, I can see that you are already root. Just run the two commands
This is what I am getting - none of these work!
# apt update
-bash: apt: command not found

# apt upgrade
-bash: apt: command not found

# apt-get update
-bash: apt-get: command not found

# apt-get upgrade
-bash: apt-get: command not found

ls -l /etc/debian_version /usr/bin/apt* /bin/apt* /usr/sbin/apt* /sbin/apt*
Setting up RPI was fun and I really enjoyed tinkering with it. However, the amount of time it takes and working through the issues and obstacles is no longer fun for me. Sold my Pi, Digione Sig, Shanti and settled for a simple ready to run streamer. Get to my music right away.

I am getting there 🤪- but chasing the car & all that.
This is the most amount of adventure I have had in a while & that too right from my desk! Boom - safest adrenaline rush I have ever experienced!
See - I said I am getting there 🤪

While I enjoy music on G3 + CXN V2 (a perfectly fine streamer).
I have a question for circuit geniuses here :)
Can something like this be used to make a dual power supply for rpi & screen

If you just wire the VCCIO & ground to the micro usb respective ports - can this be used as only a power module? basically single USB C to dual micro USB.

I tried to read up on UArt & didn't understand anything!

I have a question for circuit geniuses here :)
Can something like this be used to make a dual power supply for rpi & screen

If you just wire the VCCIO & ground to the micro usb respective ports - can this be used as only a power module? basically single USB C to dual micro USB.

I tried to read up on UArt & didn't understand anything!

No. This is a usb to serial thingy. It will give you a serial port.

What is the problem you are trying to solve? If I'm not mistaken you want to power both the display and RPI from a single supply and want the screen to shut off when the rpi is shutdown? Is my assumption correct?
What is the problem you are trying to solve? If I'm not mistaken you want to power both the display and RPI from a single supply and want the screen to shut off when the rpi is shutdown? Is my assumption correct?
Yes you are absolutely correct.

Also I have a work around for that - the screen powers up from the Rpi usb port. But I was looking for something more elegant - a flush usb port on the back of the case :)
Also - with the case I have in mind - which a hobbyist is ready to build - doesn't allow for long micro USB ports to be fitted on the screen as it sticks out quite a bit. I got a completely flush cable for the HDMI port - but can't get one for micro usb - so was looking for something like these -
**where I only use the micro usb port and none of the plastic paraphernalia. So it can remain within the confines of the screen dimensions.

Any suggestions for a simple usb in power supple that allows me to wire dual micro USB ports?

Yes you are absolutely correct.

Also I have a work around for that - the screen powers up from the Rpi usb port. But I was looking for something more elegant - a flush usb port on the back of the case :)
Also - with the case I have in mind - which a hobbyist is ready to build - doesn't allow for long micro USB ports to be fitted on the screen as it sticks out quite a bit. I got a completely flush cable for the HDMI port - but can't get one for micro usb - so was looking for something like these -
**where I only use the micro usb port and none of the plastic paraphernalia. So it can remain within the confines of the screen dimensions.

Any suggestions for a simple usb in power supple that allows me to wire dual micro USB ports?

If you are building a case you can make a round hole and fit something like this
Yes you are absolutely correct.

Also I have a work around for that - the screen powers up from the Rpi usb port. But I was looking for something more elegant - a flush usb port on the back of the case :)
Also - with the case I have in mind - which a hobbyist is ready to build - doesn't allow for long micro USB ports to be fitted on the screen as it sticks out quite a bit. I got a completely flush cable for the HDMI port - but can't get one for micro usb - so was looking for something like these -
**where I only use the micro usb port and none of the plastic paraphernalia. So it can remain within the confines of the screen dimensions.

Any suggestions for a simple usb in power supple that allows me to wire dual micro USB ports?

can this solve your issue?

At-last success! Volumio wouldn't work, nor did HifiBerry OS without issues (read multiple issues).
Moode worked! Coax SPDIF out to RME, Spotify Connect, BT, AirPlay2, Touch Screen it all works.
What didn't work was a Spotify Now playing screen! But I can live without that!

Now - next steps -
Build a chassis to house the RPi+Hat+TouchScreen
Somehow add an on/off button in there :)

Many Many Many thanks to @mbhangui for all his help. I wouldn't be able to get anywhere without his guidance! You sir are God sent!

Now off to next steps.
how add an on/off button in there :)
Let me work on an on/off button using two of the GPIO ports. I'm sure google search will turn out something. The other simple thing to do is install 'ssh button' app on your android phone. IOS has 'ssh remote'app. Using this apps you can easily buid a button which will shutdown your rpi. The command to enter in the app is
sudo shutdown -h now
once you click the button it will shutdown your rpi. You can build multiple buttons for different rpi (in case you have multiple)
Let me work on an on/off button using two of the GPIO ports. I'm sure google search will turn out something. The other simple thing to do is install 'ssh button' app on your android phone. IOS has 'ssh remote'app. Using this apps you can easily buid a button which will shutdown your rpi. The command to enter in the app is
sudo shutdown -h now
once you click the button it will shutdown your rpi. You can build multiple buttons for different rpi (in case you have multiple)
Thank you @mbhangui
the reason I am undertaking this entire project is for people other than me in the house :) I have my Macbook to RME and it covers me fully, but those who just sit in my office to read or work out of here - needed something simple like Spotify connect & BT etc. Hence this mammoth task :P

An on/off button is really needed :)
Thank you @mbhangui
the reason I am undertaking this entire project is for people other than me in the house :) I have my Macbook to RME and it covers me fully, but those who just sit in my office to read or work out of here - needed something simple like Spotify connect & BT etc. Hence this mammoth task :p

An on/off button is really needed :)
See this. After you have connected your hifiberry, you need to identify two of the pins which are not being used by the hifiberry card
The gpio-shutdown and gpio-powrroff dtoverlays make this very simple. You could also just power the screen via a raspi gpio-triggered latching relay, so when the raspi shuts down, it'll power off the screen too.
A quick question -
I believe to run the power off command on RPi 3B+ I need pin 3 & 5. So the following questions come in -
1 - In Moode where should I put this code gpio-shutdown - in config.txt or some other file? if anyone knows.
2 -This is what the HifiBerry website says - based on this - I believe I won't be able to use the Pin 3&5 right? Or can I still go ahead and do it - using the same Gpio pins on the HAT?

**I have the digi pro 2 HAT.


GPIO2-3 (pins 3 and 5) are used by our products for configuration. If you are experienced with I2C, you might add other slave devices. If you a a novice, we don’t recommend this at all.
GPIOs 18-21 (pins 12, 35, 38 and 40) are used for the sound interface. You can’t use them for any other purpose.

GPIOs 5 and 6 are used for the clock circuit and cannot be used for anything else.
for more information if anyone is interested in reading through -
A quick question -
I believe to run the power off command on RPi 3B+ I need pin 3 & 5. So the following questions come in -
1 - In Moode where should I put this code gpio-shutdown - in config.txt or some other file? if anyone knows.
moode is raspbian, so config.txt it is.
2 -This is what the HifiBerry website says - based on this - I believe I won't be able to use the Pin 3&5 right? Or can I still go ahead and do it - using the same Gpio pins on the HAT?

You have to use any other pin that what your hifiberry is using. The video posted by you shows how to use a different pin. You just have to add after a comma gpio_pin=9 (e.g. if you want to use gpio_pin 9)
**I have the digi pro 2 HAT.


GPIO2-3 (pins 3 and 5) are used by our products for configuration. If you are experienced with I2C, you might add other slave devices. If you a a novice, we don’t recommend this at all.
GPIOs 18-21 (pins 12, 35, 38 and 40) are used for the sound interface. You can’t use them for any other purpose.

GPIOs 5 and 6 are used for the clock circuit and cannot be used for anything else.
for more information if anyone is interested in reading through -
Ok - so I switched off the rpi+hat from Moode UI.
Then shorted pin 3&6 and the RPI +Hat came on - so atleast I know that the wake function works.
Now before I go about adding the codes etc - considering the HAT uses the I2C (#3) pin too, are there any chances of conflict?
Ok - so I switched off the rpi+hat from Moode UI.
Then shorted pin 3&6 and the RPI +Hat came on - so atleast I know that the wake function works.
Now before I go about adding the codes etc - considering the HAT uses the I2C (#3) pin too, are there any chances of conflict?
If you use the same pin that the hat uses, then your board will randomly shutdown
If you use the same pin that the hat uses, then your board will randomly shutdown
That is what I thought. So what other pin could be used instead of i2C?

below are my option - as #5 is used by hat too - I can still use the #6 but which one do I replace with #5??

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