Finally I had the time to assemble (obviously with assistance of a friend) and get it started.
So here is my humble setup -
Combo Motherboard - Gigabyte GA E350N - Rs. 4567

DDR 3 2GB Ram Strontium - Rs1470
WD 2 GB HDD - Rs. 5197
PowerOn Cabinet with 450w SMPS - Rs.1050.
TPLink wireless adapter 300mbps - Rs.780
Total cost:
I have installed Windows 7 ultimate. Apart from the driver cd, no other software has been installed.
The motherboard has a hdmi out which is connected to the AVR and then AVR to TV. (HTPC --->AVR --->TV). The mother board is very silent. I have just installed it, and yet to use it in order to give more feedback.
However, the cabinet is very stupidly designed. In order to just screw a hdd, had to remove the entire front cover and the metal casing and even removing them wasn't that easy either.
I have installed XMBC. Using the Aeon MQ5 theme. Also have installed the xmbc app in my android phone, so it is a kind of remote now.
Right now I am exploring the xmbc with various add ons and utilities and also arranging the library and transferring files from other pcs to this one.
Can any one tell me which is the best way to set up a direct boot for xbmc?