Buying a 42" Plasma.

You have to be very careful when you go into display rooms as usually they set the brightness & contrast too high. Typically when you bring it home, you turn it down almost upto 50% sometimes.

The reason they do this is so everything appears vivid in the lighting conditions of the showrooms. But if you end up wathcing this for hours as you would at home, not only are you cutting short its life but also causing a fair bit of strain on your eyes.

Some pic modes I have used are movie, custom (for fast games like basketball or table tennis).
Right. And that's why as far as my comparison is concerned, i first spent a fair amount of time fiddling with the settings of both, so that i get acquainted with what each one is capable of, and after that, i started the comparison. I got each aspect compared with best possible settings for that respective TV set.
Well, i'll be purchasing the TV tomorrow morning.
Now, i just got back after visiting Vijay sales once again, to confirm if PV8 was available to avoid any possible problem, as tomorrow's day is auspicious for buying new stuff. And guess what? They got PV8's toughest rival, the Samsung A410 put up right besides it. I actually went inside the store for just 2 mins, and came out after an hour lol, as i couldn't really stop myself from comparing them. At last, I'm happy i got them compared very well, side by side and to my satisfaction. I couldn't have been more lucky when i got a polite and a very co-operative and patient staff member helping me out with each of my requests.

I'll like to share my experience after looking at them intensely for 45 minutes, with every kind of signal fed to them and changing settings every 2-4 minutes -

I'll compare PQ in 2 aspects (Colors and Brightness/Liveliness) for each signal type (SD and HD)

SD signal (Big TV and DVD) -

1) Colors - Samsung failed. Person's face getting too red, football field not looking natural, etc.
Same thing on Panny came out a bit better.
Samsung = 65/100 ; Panasonic = 75/100

2) Brightness/Liveliness - In spite of making a lot of changes in settings, putting Samsung's settings higher, it still looked less lively and dull. Panasonic put up more life inside. Something like increasing your mobile display brightness by 2 levels, if there are 10 in all.
Samsung = 55/100 ; Panasonic = 70/100

HDTV signal (Big TV and DVD) -
I made it sure they used component cable for it.

1) Colors -
Everything seemed very natural, and extremely perfect on the Samsung. I was really amazed, as i havnt really seen any TV put up such amazing colors before. I literally went "thirsty" when i saw the water on miami beach.
No TV was really going to catch the Sammy here and Panasonic was not an exception.
Samsung = 90/100 ; Panasonic 65/100

2) Brightness/Liveliness -
Sammy won. It showed up almost same brightness as the LCD's even in the bright showroom. Big difference again, compared with panny. Looking at panny after Samsung was as like turning your mobile phone's display brightness by massive 5 levels.
Samsung = 85/100 ; Panasonic = 60/100

So, considering averages,

For SD signals, Samsung = 60/100 ; Panasonic = 72.5/100
For HD signals, Samsung = 87.5/100 ; Panasonic = 62.5/100

I don't understand how they can perform inversely for the 2 different signals. Seems like they are specifically tuned for it.
But, what i saw is same as others i guess. Earlier, I had read other people saying similar thing, Panasonic ahead in SD and Sammy ahead in HD. I'm glad I've seen it for myself now, and agree to it.

I would have loved good HD experience in future, but i'm more interested in SD at the moment.
So, as far as my choice is concerned, i'm going with Panny :) :) :) :)

One more thing. As usual, i didnt walk out of the store happily. Panasonic PV8 price at this same store got raised to 53.5K when it was 48K just a few days ago.
And guess the Sammy's price. 48K!!
Price got interchanged too! lol!
But i called up Alpha stores immediately, and they said it's 47K for PV8 :). That's why i'm gonna run to Alpha tomorrow and get one from there itself.
hi ,great comparision!! i had chkd the pana with onlt HD material,buy the way was the samsung plasma/lcd?
Of course it is a Samsung Plasma A410 Model, which has price close to the PV8, and that's why falls right in the competition against it.
AbhY said:
i'm gonna run to Alpha tomorrow and get one from there itself.
This was a big "LOL".
That was said by me a month ago. Ran into some problems again, and didnt want to bore you all with it for 5th time now ;)
So, now, i'v got it atlast. Got it for a good price, 42K from E-Zone, after a hard bargain and with help of an offer present already.
Thank you all for supporting me with getting to the best thing on planet in 42K. :)

Should get the delivery in 2-3 days. Will get back later to report about the bliss! :D

Just bought the 42PV8 plasma @ 41000/- from e zone kolkata.



hi ,congrats ,thats a great price u got the Pana Pv8D ,i jst bought it for 50k abt 10 days back from modern world ,bangalore, but i got a philips upscaling DVDP + HDMI cable free with it which wud be worth abt 5k max ,so u got a better deal of abt 5k less, anyway its a good buy and it really puts up a great performance
I think PV8 is 720p and NOT 1080p. I would wait till we get PY800 which is 1080p FULL HD. The blu rays are 1080p. I have watched chronicles of Nornia bluray in my Panasonic plasma 1080p(US model) with 24 frames per second. It is so stunning and it is like watching cinema film on the screen.

I also had purchased Planet Earth blu ray(google it if u want to get more info). IT is so incredible to watch in this TV.

In US 720p is kind of outdated. Very FEW which is going on sale.

So get a 1080p with deep color, x.v. color and 24p frames per second capable plasma!!! Thats the way to go!!!
You'll get a 2 Tata Nano's in it's price :p

Thats funny!!! I got here for $849(~ Rs 40752 @48). I enquired panasonic dealer in india, thay said py800 will soon be released. I dont think it will cost two nanos!! May be 80000 initially and then less..
Well PY 850 , 50" already launched in India and is costing 1.8 lks, i checked out the same and it's an awesome set, PQ is amazing, looking at that the 42" models should be great too
Well, i got the PV8 plasma delivered 4 days ago, but i'm still not done with mounting it yet. The mounting bracket wasn't present in the box earlier. Called E-Zone the first day. "Sir, tomorrow sir...Sure!" that's what they are continuously saying. Growing annoying day by day. :mad:

Btw, i doubt if the bracket comes separately. Did PV8 people here receive it in box?
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Well, i got the PV8 plasma delivered 4 days ago, but i'm still not done with mounting it yet. The mounting bracket wasn't present in the box earlier. Called E-Zone the first day. "Sir, tomorrow sir...Sure!" that's what they are continuously saying. Growing annoying day by day. :mad:

Btw, i doubt if the bracket comes separately. Did PV8 people here receive it in box?

the wall mounting brackets do come with the tv
My friend bought two units of PV80 last week, both came with the stands and wall mounting brackets

Where did you friend buy PV80 from and what price. I am planning to buy PV8, but the prices quoted from Panasonic Brand shop are on the higher side. Ezone didnt have them in stock.PV8 was quoted at 47K and PV80 at 53K in Panasonic Brand shop while I know ezone had sold PV8 for 42K. I am from Bangalore too.

Not sure if I am posting to the right thread, but woul.d appreciate help on this.
This is for PV8 Owners who have wall mounted their plasmas.

At what depth (inches) is the front of the plasma from the wall (including your mounting)?

I need to know this number as I am planning to have a pull down screen which, when dropped down, should mask my TV.
Well, at last i'm done with the mounting today :)
E-Zone people delivered the bracket yesterday, and Panasonic people have done their job well. It's looking great. And in low light, it's simply stunning. :)

realactivex said:
At what depth (inches) is the front of the plasma from the wall (including your mounting)?
I found the length to be increasing slightly as i moved from bottom to top. That means, TV is a bit inclined, facing down.
At Top = 6.1 inches
At Bottom = 5.6 inches
Well, at last i'm done with the mounting today :)
E-Zone people delivered the bracket yesterday, and Panasonic people have done their job well. It's looking great. And in low light, it's simply stunning. :)

I found the length to be increasing slightly as i moved from bottom to top. That means, TV is a bit inclined, facing down.
At Top = 6.1 inches
At Bottom = 5.6 inches

Thanks Abhy.
I hope the 6.1 inches includes the width of the mount and the width of the TV. I am impressed. I expected it to be in the region of 10 inches !
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