Buying Advice for 40"-42" Full HD TV

This doesnt hold true in this case, specs matter atleast essential ones like 850x480 resolution vs 720P tv.

You have forced your friend to buy that TV only to satisfy your ego and blind love of plasma, nothing else. :clapping:

please check that model and side by side compare with same files....then comment.perhaps sammy guys will kiss me if they see my arguments in this thread..hehe.
anyway did I tell you to buy it.....why care man?
my friends budget and need suited perfectly with that.thats it.
he was clearly told about the IR issue and taking care/maintanenace hassle(burn in,zooming to avoid logo etc) of a plasma unlike an lcd........he decided to buy it.

Each person's need are different. So if his friend is satisfied with the tv he has bought, then why not it becomes a great buy for him? 33.5K is a good price from a perspective that you do not get any other 42" tv from any of the known brands in that range. Only thing I would have considered is that if his friend had another 2.5K to part with, he could have gone for e470 that would give better resolution.

Only reason I made the comment on lower resolution was that it appeared to me that the picture quality of e400 was bit dull compared to other plasmas. However I should admit that all the shops I visited have ensured that e400 is kept at a place where light falls the most compared to other plasma screens. :)
yes 470 was the model we were targetting for....but 490 was avilable only.
friend was not ready to wait even for a single for compare we rushed to home again and got some files...hd sd semi hd...
that was the case...
Any reason you did not go for the Philips LED tv? The offer is still running and the tv looks decent too.

Which model did you get?
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