
Jul 25, 2009

Recently my turntable Technics SL-1700 MK1 been serviced with tonearm wire and RCA + ground cable change(Done by technician). Since then I am getting a buzzing sound as I plug my TT to power point (Even Without being switched On). The sound increases with volume increase. And its not a humming sound. Though Its not disturbing when listening to music, but definitely bothering me a lot. The buzz reduces on touching the body of the TT, but is not eliminated ..
I have tried much with different Phono amps, Amplifiers, shifted the system in different plug points ,same power plugs.... but it didn't worked out. Someone please suggest......


Recently my turntable Technics SL-1700 MK1 been serviced with tonearm wire and RCA + ground cable change(Done by technician). Since then I am getting a buzzing sound as I plug my TT to power point (Even Without being switched On). The sound increases with volume increase. And its not a humming sound. Though Its not disturbing when listening to music, but definitely bothering me a lot. The buzz reduces on touching the body of the TT, but is not eliminated ..
I have tried much with different Phono amps, Amplifiers, shifted the system in different plug points ,same power plugs.... but it didn't worked out. Someone please suggest......


I dont have any experience regarding this type of issue but can you please answer some questions for better insight into the issue.

Have you tried with a different headshell.
What happens when you touch the tonearm or the ground wire by hand. Buzzing decrease, increases or remains unchanged.
Can you describe your chain of equipment
Is the turntable connected to a distribution box. If yes, try to plug the turntable directly into the wall plug and see how it reacts.
Where has the ground wire been soldered in the turntable. Is there a fifth wire from the headshell. Please share some pics of the arm base and the board where the tonearm wire meets the rca cables.

Please provide the info and we will take it from there. Lets hope some veterans will also join and give better fruitful suggestions.

Why not take it back to the technician who rewired the tonearm.
I think something is vibrating ur cartridge or tonearm or the TT, since the buzzing sound is coming even if the TT is not powered on. Plz check if d TT is placed near front side of speakers. Usually such thing happens when d TT is placed at front side of d speakers in middle. While playing a disc the buzzing sound does not appear much but with increase of volume to higher level it may come. I too experience such buzzing sound if I increase volume to higher level when d TT is in idle. I have placed my TT exactly in front of my speakers due to space constraints. Since I listen in low volume it does not affect much. U may give a try by placing d TT in some other place n observe.
Thanks everyone for you kind advice...
To answer some quires -----
Have you tried with a different headshell / Cartridge. - Yes. (Same Result)
What happens when you touch the tonearm or the ground wire by hand. Buzzing decrease, increases or remains unchanged - Need to check
Can you describe your chain of equipment - TT --- Phono Pre --- Amplifier / TT---- Amplifier(inbuilt Phono) - Same Result
Is the turntable connected to a distribution box. If yes, try to plug the turntable directly into the wall plug and see how it reacts. - Connected Directly to Wall Plug.
Where has the ground wire been soldered in the turntable. Is there a fifth wire from the headshell. Please share some pics of the arm base and the board where the tonearm wire meets the rca cables. ---- I need to open the TT for this.

Have tried by putting the TT far away from the speakers - Results same.
Tried different amplifiers - Same Result

Can there be issues with the electrical Ground, Impurities.....etc. If so, are there any device that can help..
An update,

What happens when you touch the tonearm or the ground wire by hand. Buzzing decrease, increases or remains unchanged - The Buzz decreases once tonearm , body or spindle is toughed. The movement of ground wire doesn't changes the buzz..
Again , once the tonearm is placed over platter the buzz with little hum, decreases.

An update,

What happens when you touch the tonearm or the ground wire by hand. Buzzing decrease, increases or remains unchanged - The Buzz decreases once tonearm , body or spindle is toughed. The movement of ground wire doesn't changes the buzz..
Again , once the tonearm is placed over platter the buzz with little hum, decreases.


Sent you a pm
Hello Everyone,

Tried the following ..

  1. Checked the electrical wiring and ground by Electrician - Found Ok
  2. Shifted the TT and amp,speakers to different room - NO more Buzz or Humm

3. The buzz is still there if I place the system in the present room and take electrical connection from a different room through extension board.

4. Now noticed that even if the TT is not plugged in the electrical socket , there is some buzz at full volume level...

Really no clue......
Hello Everyone,

Tried the following ..

  1. Checked the electrical wiring and ground by Electrician - Found Ok
  2. Shifted the TT and amp,speakers to different room - NO more Buzz or Humm
3. The buzz is still there if I place the system in the present room and take electrical connection from a different room through extension board.
4. Now noticed that even if the TT is not plugged in the electrical socket , there is some buzz at full volume level...

Really no clue......

At least the tt is not at fault.
I have been following your thread for some days. I understand there's no buzz when it's shifted to another room. Does your turntable have a dust cover ?. If so, please keep the dust cover on when you play and see if the buzz sound is reduced
I have been following your thread for some days. I understand there's no buzz when it's shifted to another room. Does your turntable have a dust cover ?. If so, please keep the dust cover on when you play and see if the buzz sound is reduced

Tried it....No changes in buzz sound.. ...There are some Cable and internet joint box in a electric Pole just outside the room. I guess, this may create some interference.....
Yes. Sometimes, there's a magnetic field which can result in buz sound . In such cases, by closing the dust cover when record is playing can reduce the buz sound
But, it's said that polycarb lid will be closer to the vinyl record when it's in closed position while playing. So that, the static energy will affect the sound. But lid is unavoidable. Thanks.
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