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I don't know how much the official Roon Ready helps, but I was using Cxn V2 with Roon even before that. I could live with uncomfortable UI of stream magic instead of paying 120 USD yearly. I'm using Audirvana on PC for almost similar tasks of Playlist and Favorites creation, and Audirvana on PC can stream to Cxn v2 Streamer directly. Though the Discover Music Option isn't there, but other UI features are quite robust when compared to Roon.
In fact I chose a dedicated streamer with a decent software, instead of paying for Roon lifetime.. You always have stream magic for bit perfect playback.
Thanks @drkrack for sharing your experience and preference. It’s always useful to have multiple options for us the consumers and a healthy competition between providers to keep them innovating.
I do see that Roon is many times costlier than Audirvana - which, as per user reviews including yours, doesn’t seem any worse in sound quality. So I guess it boils down to the features, user experience and UI. And though there can be subjectivity there, Roon is widely believed to have an edge there. I guess those of us who don’t care much for Roon’s music exploration, discovery, metadata, library insight and UI would find its premium subscription charges exorbitant and prohibitive.
If I were using the apps only for listening, I’d think likewise too. But to me, the above utilities matter a lot. I use streaming primarily for exploring the world of music - artists, genres, styles et al. I am an avid Allmusic.com user and contributor too. And for serious listening to my favourite albums I depend on my copious CD collection. So for me, in a music serving app, the richness of experience and music exploration possibilities matter a lot.
Does it still justify the $119 annual membership fee? It is like asking does it justified to pay Rs 70000+ for an iPad Pro when there are Android tablets that rival it in specs available at one-third the price? I guess the answer will be person-dependent (I have an iPad Pro by the way - and am entirely on Apple platform for that matter). When evaluating the cost of something, we can either judge by comparison with alternatives or in absolute terms in terms of value one can derive out of it - a lot of which will be intangible and subjective when it comes to hobby and entertainment.
Also, I believe that a good chunk of what Roon charges also goes to pay the music databases it depends upon for it’s rich user experience and in maintaining and updating their library management software. Also, I don’t know about Audirvana (and have a good mind to try it out as well), but I have experienced very responsive and pleasant customer support from Roon in the past. I had taken their annual subscription only to realise later that CXN V2 was not Roon Ready (back then) and therefore the subscription wasn’t useful me as I didn’t want to use my laptop all the time to play music. When I wrote to them, they were empathetic and gracious - first trying to help me understand the various possibilities I could still gain from and then refunding my entire subscription and keeping the relationship warm to get back to them whenever CXN V2 becomes Roon Ready. As a customer (more so an Indian customer used to poor treatment and impersonal service), I value and cherish such a customer service experience.
So, all things considered, I find Roon’s subscription worth now with CXN V2 becoming Roon Ready and given my sound quality assessment using the Roon Ready mode (significantly better than in the Airplay - shared in detail in an earlier post in this thread). I am quite likely to go for one year Roon subscription at the end of the current trial period. And depending on my usage and experience I shall consider a lifetime subscription beyond that.
Ok, here’s a latest and excellent link on what it means for the Cambridge CXN V2 to be Roon Ready (which has happened starting March 2020). This will explain the technicality behind why in my testing (read an earlier detailed post in this thread with pics), I found options 3 & 4 (using Roon Ready mode) far better in SQ than options 1 & 2 (using Chromecast and AirPlay) respectively.
As the article says, “in the Roon Ready mode (possible now), one now gets extended hi-res support that includes DSD on the CXN V2. Also now one benefits from Room RAAT’s clear practical advantage of asynchronous data handling in more revealing systems.

Cambridge Audio adds Roon Ready to EDQE NQ, CXN V2 | Darko.Audio
The British company enters the Music-First Audiophile's Golden Triangle.

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