Chario Prima Reflex vs Taga Harmony Platinum F120 V.3


New Member
Nov 25, 2018

I am looking to build a Home theater. I am looking to buy the AVR and the Floor Standers first and then build from there on. I have zeroed in on the Denon AVR X3600H and Marantz SR6014 for the AVR.

For Floor standers I had zeroed in on Taga Platinum F120 V.3 I was offered these for 75K. However have been recently offered Chario Prima Reflex pair for 40K. These are demo units and are 2017 manufactured and discontinued now.

My room size is 40ft *15ft. and the system would be used for 50% movies and 50 % music.

Kindly guide me as to which would be a better buy and also should I bee looking at some other option of floor standers. My budget for Floor standers in 75K.

Thanks in advance
Manuj Gupta
Buy the Chario.
i have a pair of Chario bookshelves. I was totally taken aback by the sound stage they projected, the separation.
i had not heard this brand before. I prefer it to my KEF LS50.
if possible try to audition them with your selected amp in your room.
It’s difficult to find any reviews for Chario speakers in English. Don’t know why.
But I suggest listening to the Chario Prima Reflex and trusting your ears and how you feel to decide if this is the one for you.

i had no expectations when I heard the Charios; I had not heard of this brand before. But once it started performing I had to stop talking or doing whatever I was and start listening.

I have not heard the Chario Prima Reflex, but at 40k, it would be definitely in my “to audition “list.
Buy the Chario.
i have a pair of Chario bookshelves. I was totally taken aback by the sound stage they projected, the separation.
i had not heard this brand before. I prefer it to my KEF LS50.
if possible try to audition them with your selected amp in your room.
Witch model you have sir?? Chario bookshelf speakers
Hi Mr. Mahi,
I have the Chario Hiper 1000.
As you are in Bangalore you are welcome to come over and listen to it and decide
Their CONSTELLATION DELPHINUS speaker boxes seem like solid wood & excellent to look at. Am sure they may sound good too. Considering they have been there since 1975, but have never heard about them.
Their CONSTELLATION DELPHINUS speaker boxes seem like solid wood & excellent to look at. Am sure they may sound good too. Considering they have been there since 1975, but have never heard about them.
I have only seen or heard these. In fact till I saw them I was not aware of this brand
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