Cheapie Interconnects and Speaker Cables


Thanks for you reply. Selecting ics and speaker cables is more of a problem. It is very hard to go one way or other as we stand no chance of auditioning over here.

Are you using the EMOTIVA AMPS and against what speakers you are using these cables.

Can you describe your system.

Thanks for you reply. Selecting ics and speaker cables is more of a problem. It is very hard to go one way or other as we stand no chance of auditioning over here.

Are you using the EMOTIVA AMPS and against what speakers you are using these cables.

Can you describe your system.


I use CD6002 > Grounded grid tube preamp > NAD 325 power > Audire Callisto fullrange speakers.

The Emotiva cables compare favorably with Nordost blue heaven @10 times the price. No obvious deficiencies on causal listening. I will do a close listen late night for things like separation and focus etc and update.


gobble,do keep us posted on the same.btw,those emotiva cables look damn good for the price :).cheers
I am very happy with Emotiva cables @18$ in my system compared to $230 Nordost. maybe you should try those? Have not listened closely but no glaring defects that I could spot in casual listening...


Thanks Gobble. Your inputs came a bit late, I did place the order for the bluejeans cable. Price wise they are in similar range to the emotiva. Once I get it we can maybe compare it some day to check the differences.
I use Usher/Rapport speaker wire. I have forgotten how much they cost. But they're superbly built and look very expensive and sexy. I have not yet done a comparison with my lamp wire to see if they make a difference.
short Review of MX analoge interconnect-

Today I got a stereo cable accidently(as I wanted little thicker & got misjudged myself)
No-MX-1109 (3mtr)
I am using one AV cable for AVR analoge fronts.The thickness of this cable is exactly same & I wanted little thicker than that as MX digital cable sounds better.
I was disappointed as I thought new cable will sound similar to olderone which didnt have good mids.
But to my surprise,cable sounded cleaner & better with midrange.Timing improved.Treble clean & instruments sounds better.Bass is good tight & may not be very deep.I have found that after few days Bass improves & overall sound should be as good as hiend(?)

So I recommend MX-1109 (3mtr) for budget audio & price <Rs.300(mrp590 printed)
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Emotiva Audio X-Series Interconnects

Try the X series ICs from emotiva they are great VFM ,have 2 pairs they perform equally as good as the Chord chameleon plus which are priced @ 112pounds (aprox 8K) where as the X series from emotiva costs only abt 18 USD (850 INR)
Great VFM:)
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