Cinema's greatest classics

The annual International Film Festival of India will be starting in Goa on 23rd November.Great cinema from around the world.Lovely atmosphere at the Inox complex,where the bulk of the films are screened.Enthusiastic cinephiles,beautiful sunshine,music,wine,beer and food.It's a great way to unwind and also watch a lot of films which would never come to a multiplex.If you have the stamina,you can manage 4 films everyday,interspersed with wine,dine and cinema chatathons with perfect strangers!
Delegate passes can be arranged from the IFFI website
:: Welcome To IFFI ::
I try to make it there every year.If anybody wants more information about the festival/delegate pass/hotels,you are welcome to PM me.
In the great Indian tradition of doing everything at the last moment,film schedules are normally available only 1-2 days before the festival kicks off:)

If you are attending, I wish you a wonderful time at the festival. Do share your experiences with us after you get back though :)


I rarely buy DVD's as there are very few films I would be interested in watching repeatedly.I prefer buying audio CD's as they can be played over and over again,with the same sense of pleasure.
Earlier,while travelling abroad I bought box sets of the filmakers I like.... Tarkovsky,Bergman,Bunuel,Antonioni,Kurosawa,Kieslowski....But nothing in the recent past.
While leafing through the Rhythm House World Cinema section,I found some nice films.(first 2 pages)

Rhythm House The Secret Of The Grain
Rhythm House Germinal
Rhythm House Story Of Women
Rhythm House The Wild Reeds
Rhythm House The Class
Rhythm House Children Of Heaven
Rhythm House Waltz With Bashir
Rhythm House Umberto D. (B & W)
Rhythm House No Man's Land
Rhythm House Last Year at Marienbad (France)

The best from the above are Chabrol's 'Story Of Women' and De Sica's 'Umberto D'.All time classics!
Resnais' 'Last Year At Marienbad' is a masterpiece of French Cinema.But is difficult to watch and comprehend.Strictly for those who are interested in ground breaking cinema and have more than a passing acquaintance with French Nouvelle Vague.
Secret of the Grain is a very interesting film,which was released to world wide acclaim a couple of years back.
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A recent masterpiece, Carlos by Assayas of Summer Hours acclaim (what a great movie Summer Hours was!) is supposed to be pretty good. I love long movies, about gangsters and this is both. It is 6 and a half hours long, a mini series sort of. I will probably watch it soon..
The annual International Film Festival of India will be starting in Goa on 23rd November.Great cinema from around the world.Lovely atmosphere at the Inox complex,where the bulk of the films are screened.Enthusiastic cinephiles,beautiful sunshine,music,wine,beer and food.It's a great way to unwind and also watch a lot of films which would never come to a multiplex.If you have the stamina,you can manage 4 films everyday,interspersed with wine,dine and cinema chatathons with perfect strangers!
Delegate passes can be arranged from the IFFI website
:: Welcome To IFFI ::
I try to make it there every year.If anybody wants more information about the festival/delegate pass/hotels,you are welcome to PM me.
In the great Indian tradition of doing everything at the last moment,film schedules are normally available only 1-2 days before the festival kicks off:)
Iffi is finally releasing a lttle bit of information about what the 41st International Film Festival Of India is going to showcase.
International Film Festival of India
Eric Rohmer!Jan Kolski!Cannes Kaleidoscope 2010!Mexican Neo Noir!
Girish Kasaravalli and Goutam Ghose!
Many times,while talking cinema with a friend or an acquaintance,I have had the (dubious) pleasure of being regaled with the plot line and special effects of The Matrix and Incepcion.
I remember 'suffering' the first 30 minute of 'The Matrix' in a cinema hall,before I walked out into the bright sunshine outside.
Scattered viewings of Incepcion also confirmed my view that it was simply more of the stale,warmed over,beer which Hollywood specializes in brewing.
A few kiddies in dark glasses,oh so perfect haircuts,black 'avenging' clothes and guns,guns and more guns.
Why is Hollywood always shooting and killing people?Can we please have a body count of all the people ever killed in their films?
In the beginning was Plato's Allegory Of The Cave.
In this allegory people live imprisoned in a cave,watching shadows on the wall,believing these shadows to be real life.They are unaware that what they believe to be reality,is merely an illusion created by 'something/someone' real outside the cave.
Are the popcorn crunching,coke guzzling multiplex audiences,like the prisoners in the cave?And are the images they are watching on the screen,like the shadow play in Plato's cave.
And is The Matrix an inside joke by the very industry which spins these images?
And is television,that seemingly idiotic box,the new matrix?
And if it is,then what a sordid,stupid dream,people have chosen to inhabit:sad:
Many times,while talking cinema with a friend or an acquaintance,I have had the (dubious) pleasure of being regaled with the plot line and special effects of The Matrix and Incepcion.
I remember 'suffering' the first 30 minute of 'The Matrix' in a cinema hall,before I walked out into the bright sunshine outside.
Scattered viewings of Incepcion also confirmed my view that it was simply more of the stale,warmed over,beer which Hollywood specializes in brewing.
A few kiddies in dark glasses,oh so perfect haircuts,black 'avenging' clothes and guns,guns and more guns.
Why is Hollywood always shooting and killing people?Can we please have a body count of all the people ever killed in their films?
In the beginning was Plato's Allegory Of The Cave.
In this allegory people live imprisoned in a cave,watching shadows on the wall,believing these shadows to be real life.They are unaware that what they believe to be reality,is merely an illusion created by 'something/someone' real outside the cave.
Are the popcorn crunching,coke guzzling multiplex audiences,like the prisoners in the cave?And are the images they are watching on the screen,like the shadow play in Plato's cave.
And is The Matrix an inside joke by the very industry which spins these images?
And is television,that seemingly idiotic box,the new matrix?
And if it is,then what a sordid,stupid dream,people have chosen to inhabit:sad:

The Circular Ruins by Jorge Luis Borges
Another look at the sources behind 'The Matrix'
The greatest short story ever written.Does in a few words what Hollywood would not be able to do with 100 billion $.
The Circular Ruins Jorge Luis Borges

I don't know why you cry about Hollywood in a thread about Cinema's greatest classics. We should concentrate on pointing out good films here more than any thing really.

The stupidest thing you said was regarding tv in your post. This is being (rightly IMO) regarded as the golden age of American television.
I don't know why you cry about Hollywood in a thread about Cinema's greatest classics. We should concentrate on pointing out good films here more than any thing really.

The stupidest thing you said was regarding tv in your post. This is being (rightly IMO) regarded as the golden age of American television.

Can we have some more posts on the 'golden age of american television?:lol:
Since the 'Joker's Thread' got pulled,there is a severe shortage of hilarity on the forum.
What you consider my 'stupid' opinion about Television,is something I feel,should be self evident to any rational grown up person.
I am 'crying'(what-a-word:o) about Hollywood,because barring a few exceptions,I do not consider their cinema to be 'great','classic' or even 'cinema'.
And I'm ocassionally posting about their films,because the purpose of this thread was not only to highlight the exciting things which have happened/are happening in non mainstream cinema,but also the banal and boring hole into which mainstream cinema has sunk.Not just in America or India,but anywhere in the world,where films are being made which address the lowest common denominator,rather than the highest.
What you consider my 'stupid' opinion about Television,is something I feel,should be self evident to any rational grown up person.

Most rational, grown up persons disagree.

I am 'crying'(what-a-word:o) about Hollywood,because barring a few exceptions,I do not consider their cinema to be 'great','classic' or even 'cinema'.

While your view cannot be more wrong, I don't see the need to keep crying and harping about it.

And I'm ocassionally posting about their films,because the purpose of this thread was not only to highlight the exciting things which have happened/are happening in non mainstream cinema,but also the banal and boring hole into which mainstream cinema has sunk.Not just in America or India,but anywhere in the world,where films are being made which address the lowest common denominator,rather than the highest.

Err really? Firstly I think it is very negative to keep crying like you are doing about hollywood right through this thread. If you want to debate about hollywood create another thread FFS.

Secondly, again, you are shockingly wrong and ignorant about contemporary cinema if you feel this way. This is a great era for films.
My god, why the **** do you have to act like a dickhead.

Your venom and vitriol is incomprehensible and incredibly rude.If you are so terribly fond of Hollywood or television,you could have written a more balanced reply.As things go,why carry on with this tu tu main main?
Let's just go our individual ways.
My last reply to your posts.
Your venom and vitriol is incomprehensible and incredibly rude.If you are so terribly fond of Hollywood or television,you could have written a more balanced reply.As things go,why carry on with this tu tu main main?
Let's just go our individual ways.
My last reply to your posts.

Err it is you who have been rude.

Also, I am not 'terribly' fond of hollywood. I love cinema from all around the world including USA. I don't have a problem with some one having an opinion that hollywood is crap too, however ignorant it might be.

What I do have a problem with is you going on crying about hollywood right through this thread. It seems like a pathetic obsession. You gave your opinion. Now don't carry on about it.
Pictures from my IFFI archive
The entrance to the ESG complex.
Outside the Inox.Wonderful atmosphere.
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