CNN hero

Went thru the full story... a real eye opener for me. What am I doing?

I agree with you. But again, it is this very reason that there are people like Krishnan. Even if an average person like you and me get excited and start this, we will not be able to sustain it over time. It needs an extraordinary amount of patience and commitment to do something as selfless as this.

The best we can do is to encourage him.

I agree with you. But again, it is this very reason that there are people like Krishnan. Even if an average person like you and me get excited and start this, we will not be able to sustain it over time. It needs an extraordinary amount of patience and commitment to do something as selfless as this.

The best we can do is to encourage him.
Well said sir. Many a times, I feel why I'm wasting my life doing nothing worthwhile ..I'm sure there are many of us who aspire to do what Krishnan is doing but don't have the courage do it. As you rightly put it, the best we can do is to encourage him.

Indeed an inspiring and great man !!

I don't know how to write this, so I am going to hit it straight.

I believe CNN, every year, chooses 10 people as the world heroes. These people are chosen for the work they do, and then there is a worldwide public voting.

This year, an Indian, Narayana Krishnan, has been shortlisted. When I read what he has and is doing, tears came to my eyes. Here is what this guy is doing.

To vote for Krishnan, please go here.

We spend so much time fighting over how good our audio should be and how fantastic our AV should be, and here is a guy who is, without compunction, feeding 400 people a day with his own money. Though it is easy to say this is what the government should do, here is someone who is actually doing it.

(1) I would request all members to not only vote for Krishnan, but also request your friends, colleagues, and relations to vote for him.

(2) If someone is ready to start a trust fund for Krishnan from amongst HFV members, I am ready to put in Rs.1001 straight away. Though I could do the collection myself, I am going to tied up with some heavy personal work over the next 30 days. Of course, if no one comes forward, I will accept the responsibility.

I would really like to see HFV members show how compassionate and great they are.

A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.