Confused between LED TV Vs. Plasma

Actually any person who gets used to a plasma will become like a man eater tiger.
Nothing else can satisfy him. If you see various forums, all plasma fans/owners show the same pattern.
I was extremely satisfied with the picture of my sammy led until I saw the st50 in showroom. It was a totally different and cinematic picture with deep blacks and without the characteristic soap opera effect of my led.
Made me also a man eater tiger.
There is some magic in the glowing gas....
Bottom line, Plasmas will sell and we will buy till the time we can get our hands on one. Post that god only knows ...
I belong to that group too although I won't consider myself man-eating tiger as tiger becomes man-eater only when he's old / injured and incapable of hunting other animals. I might consider myself lady-killer though :D Who joins my group :P ???

Anyways, the point is I ? PANA PLASMA !!!!
Actually any person who gets used to a plasma will become like a man eater tiger.
Nothing else can satisfy him. If you see various forums, all plasma fans/owners show the same pattern.
I was extremely satisfied with the picture of my sammy led until I saw the st50 in showroom. It was a totally different and cinematic picture with deep blacks and without the characteristic soap opera effect of my led.
Made me also a man eater tiger.
There is some magic in the glowing gas....

But the 'Man-Eaters' are too few to save the plasma species from becoming extinct. I would say that we have no options but to see this magnificant piece of technology sink like Titanic. The LCDs are in no way mature enough to carry the legacy of Plasmas and CRTs and I felt this recently in a showroom where LCD/LEDs and Plasma were both displaying a Sports content. The Plasma was incredible in most aspects and much cheaper also compared to an equivalent LCD/LED. But all the TV makers are here to make money and will definitely shout loudly for those products where the margin is more.
OLEDs thankfully are good enough in all terms and poised to carry the Plasma legacy.:licklips: Till the time they become affordable we have to bear with LEDs.:sad:
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