New Member
Let me begin this post by thanking gentle souls
@sandeepmohan @edjamesx @tapmal5 @tuff @rpmahale @drkrack @JayaRaa @elangoas @arunkvivek for my first post about which speakers to buy.
They enriched my knowledge tenfold. Although, I ended up buying nothing as some exigency came, nonetheless here I am again with my confusions
So I have decided that I will buy Bookshelf or Floorstanders but Passive speakers for sure.
Now my next problem is DAC, Integrated Amplifier or receiver?
What I intend to play:
I wish to stream music either via Bluetooth/wifi or by cable from my Phone and MacBook Pro. ( I use Apple Music but aim to use Tidal in future as well.) And can access FLACs and play them as well.
^This is my most important requirement and primary method of listening.
Secondly I "may" want to buy a turntable in the future. It would be nice if I find any set up which can take care of this requirement as well without sacrifcing on the my Primary set up quality.
Lastly, it would just be a nice cherry on top if they sound good for occasional film viewing on 2.1.
Now, I don't understand much as there is so many sorts of amplifiers tube amplifiers integrated etc that just bamboozles me.
Also in DACs are so different mini mobile headphone etc.
How is music played with such setup?
Mobile/Laptop-------(cable)----->DAC-----> Amplifer----> Speakers ??? RIght?
Or Mobile/Laptop----------------(cable)-------->Integrated Amplifier (that has DAC I guess)------Speakers ???
What combination I should look for? [Either New or Used]
I don't know how to go about this setup or what should even be the set-up
The room is 12x14ft.
The Budget for Set up is 30-50K. (Current fav Wharfedale 230 are taking 27 K in this budget) The speakers are not bought yet and can be exchanged with other good suggestions. Also, the budget can be pushed a little if some really good improvement is heard with corresponding price increment.
Thanks in advance
@sandeepmohan @edjamesx @tapmal5 @tuff @rpmahale @drkrack @JayaRaa @elangoas @arunkvivek for my first post about which speakers to buy.
They enriched my knowledge tenfold. Although, I ended up buying nothing as some exigency came, nonetheless here I am again with my confusions
So I have decided that I will buy Bookshelf or Floorstanders but Passive speakers for sure.
Now my next problem is DAC, Integrated Amplifier or receiver?
What I intend to play:
I wish to stream music either via Bluetooth/wifi or by cable from my Phone and MacBook Pro. ( I use Apple Music but aim to use Tidal in future as well.) And can access FLACs and play them as well.
^This is my most important requirement and primary method of listening.
Secondly I "may" want to buy a turntable in the future. It would be nice if I find any set up which can take care of this requirement as well without sacrifcing on the my Primary set up quality.
Lastly, it would just be a nice cherry on top if they sound good for occasional film viewing on 2.1.
Now, I don't understand much as there is so many sorts of amplifiers tube amplifiers integrated etc that just bamboozles me.
Also in DACs are so different mini mobile headphone etc.
How is music played with such setup?
Mobile/Laptop-------(cable)----->DAC-----> Amplifer----> Speakers ??? RIght?
Or Mobile/Laptop----------------(cable)-------->Integrated Amplifier (that has DAC I guess)------Speakers ???
What combination I should look for? [Either New or Used]
I don't know how to go about this setup or what should even be the set-up
The room is 12x14ft.
The Budget for Set up is 30-50K. (Current fav Wharfedale 230 are taking 27 K in this budget) The speakers are not bought yet and can be exchanged with other good suggestions. Also, the budget can be pushed a little if some really good improvement is heard with corresponding price increment.
Thanks in advance