Cosmic LAB-3000 Stereomaster Amplifier Schematic

Log pots are no longer available. You can instead use a 6pin linear pot and convert it to a log pot with 2 simple resistors in between its pins.
A simple photo or diagram with values of trusted resistors would be most welcome

Cosmic volume pots have an extra terminal for loudness, and the amp's mojo is lost if that is not working.

Log pots can be sourced from vendors abroad, look for "audio taper" in the pot specs.

suggestion - if replacing 2N3055s, opt for BEL versions (yes, they are still available). They cost about Rs.90 a piece but a far superior in comparison with their Chinese counterparts available for less than half the price. Regards.
A friend of mine sent these Cosmic amp schematics (poor image quality), incase if someone needs these to repair.


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