Send him PM, not everyone is active on the forum everytime, since the thread is old. If thread is not subscribed by him then , he should get mail for PM..
How is the cosmic cogram 2000 BD TT. I have a chance to get it for about 12.5k with some AT cart. Worth it?
Its fully functional, but I saw that while playing, the Platter was moving up and down also, little vertical movement. Is that normal.
The other contender will be a philips GA 242 for same price with similar cart.
Hi. I am familiar with Philips GA 242 TTS and still spin mine occassionally. It is an excellent tt proviso it has been maintained properly and it's motor, which is very small, is in good condition. The electronic circuit may also need part replacements over time. The suspension also has a tendency to sag. Do check the tt very carefully before purchase. As a rule the platter should remain level, as any up and down movement may cause the stylus to mistrack.