Creek Evolution 100A and Tannoy XT 6F/8F

Ranjit Nifkin

New Member
Sep 24, 2020

Has anyone heard this amp with either of the Tannoy speakers in the thread title? Would be interested to hear people's impressions: are they a good match?

Tannoy XT8F are very easy to drive and have a very forward presentation.The creek 100 goes very well with them. Hope you can audition and decide.

I found Roksan amp to be too bright with tannoys for example.
Tannoy XT8F are very easy to drive and have a very forward presentation.The creek 100 goes very well with them. Hope you can audition and decide.

I found Roksan amp to be too bright with tannoys for example.
Have you heard the XT8Fs with the 100A? And when you say forward, do you mean bright or lively/punchy?
Yes, I have heard them with the 100A and I have the Tannoy XT8F. Wouldn't say bright like Klipsch low end bright, but a bit hot at the top end. Not in an annoying way though. Have tried the XT8F with Rega, NAD, Nuprime STA9, Marantz amps. All sound fine. You could play with different speaker cables. Mogami speaker cable makes it a touch hotter imo.
Yes, I have heard them with the 100A and I have the Tannoy XT8F. Wouldn't say bright like Klipsch low end bright, but a bit hot at the top end. Not in an annoying way though. Have tried the XT8F with Rega, NAD, Nuprime STA9, Marantz amps. All sound fine. You could play with different speaker cables. Mogami speaker cable makes it a touch hotter imo.
That's interesting. Are there any amps you thought didn't work well with the XTs?
Roksan Kandy....too bright. For half the cost of the creek 100a, you should look into Audiolab 6000A.
Yes I've heard that the Roksan/XT combo leads to brightness overkill! And I'm able to get hold of a mint, used 100A for half the price of new ;) and I've heard the 6000A: it's good, but not as good as the Creek.
Yes I've heard that the Roksan/XT combo leads to brightness overkill! And I'm able to get hold of a mint, used 100A for half the price of new ;) and I've heard the 6000A: it's good, but not as good as the Creek.
Roksan Kandy....too bright. For half the cost of the creek 100a, you should look into Audiolab 6000A.

Are you guys talking about the roksan k3.? I was looking for a power amp and there seems to be a shortage so my dealer was suggesting i go with a roksan k3. What did you guys think of this amp? The second option is an ATI 522nc
Are you guys talking about the roksan k3.? I was looking for a power amp and there seems to be a shortage so my dealer was suggesting i go with a roksan k3. What did you guys think of this amp? The second option is an ATI 522nc
Depends on the rest of your set up. You can't judge an amplifier in isolation.
Depends on the rest of your set up. You can't judge an amplifier in isolation.
Tannoy XT8F are very easy to drive and have a very forward presentation.The creek 100 goes very well with them. Hope you can audition and decide.

I found Roksan amp to be too bright with tannoys for example.
ummmm, well, when somebody asks me about my marantz pm6006 or the crown, i think i can describe the amps characteristics sans the speaker. However, pairing with more than one speaker may be required to figure out whether its the characteristic of the amp or the speaker. Or if you know your speakers already, you can tell what the characteristics of a newly introduced amp are.

From your impressions, it seems like a slightly bright amp with a boosted top end. The tannoys are known to be excitable. Therefore, a bright/excitable amp with a bright/excitable speaker may not be a great match.

i’ll ask around a bit more
Are you guys talking about the roksan k3.? I was looking for a power amp and there seems to be a shortage so my dealer was suggesting i go with a roksan k3. What did you guys think of this amp? The second option is an ATI 522nc
Yes, I had heard the Tannoys with the K3. Just too annoyingly bright and the kind wherein you know that you won't get used to it. The K3 sounded brilliant to me with Castle Knight FS though.
Yes, I had heard the Tannoys with the K3. Just too annoyingly bright and the kind wherein you know that you won't get used to it. The K3 sounded brilliant to me with Castle Knight FS though.
Hence the reason I said you can't judge an amp in isolation. @DB1989 it would help if you told is what you source and your speakers are. One may well be able to define the character of a piece of it in isolation, but it can't be said whether it's good or bad unless we know what it is paired woth. Mayank's comments are useful only if considering the amp with either of the sets of speakers he mentions.
@Ranjit Nifkin, you already have heard the Creek (and a lot of other amps) and like it better than Audiolab, so honestly, I don't see the point of your OP. Would you not buy the half price, mint condition Creek if someone told you it sounds like crap with Tannoys? I have owned all the amps I have mentioned and a few more and not just auditioned them.

Requesting mods to close this thread. Thanks.
Yes, I had heard the Tannoys with the K3. Just too annoyingly bright and the kind wherein you know that you won't get used to it. The K3 sounded brilliant to me with Castle Knight FS though.
Understood. The castle Knight is known to be a polite non-fatiguing speaker. Therefore, excitable amp plus laid back speaker sounds like a good match
@Ranjit Nifkin, you already have heard the Creek (and a lot of other amps) and like it better than Audiolab, so honestly, I don't see the point of your OP. Would you not buy the half price, mint condition Creek if someone told you it sounds like crap with Tannoys? I have owned all the amps I have mentioned and a few more and not just auditioned them.

Requesting mods to close this thread. Thanks.
What on Earth is up with you? I asked a very specific question that needed answering: i.e. has anyone here heard the Creek amps SPECIFICALLY with the most recent Tannoy XT series. The reason why I asked is because, despite reading many good reviews of both, I hadn't heard them in combination. You say I've heard a lot of amps, the only amps I indicated hearing are the Evo 100A and the Audiolab, so besides the Evo that doesn't exactly amount to 'a lot of amps'.

I have the opportunity to pick up the 100A for a good price, so I wondered what it (or the smaller 50A) sounded like with a specific speaker, nothing unusual about that. Since posting here I've been discussing the matter on another forum with someone who HAS had experience using both together. They were very helpful.

And if you were to simply say the Creek sounds 'crap' with the Tannoys, I may not pay any notice. But if you were to put the same point eloquently, then that would be far more useful.
Are you guys talking about the roksan k3.? I was looking for a power amp and there seems to be a shortage so my dealer was suggesting i go with a roksan k3. What did you guys think of this amp? The second option is an ATI 522nc
If you were to ask this question on a number of very well established US/UK forums, you would first be asked what are the other components in the chain (or what are you thinking of matching them with), your room dimensions and what kind of music do you prefer. Pretty standard stuff really. Most amps by prestige brands (Roksan, Creek, Naim, Arcam etc) are good, but such a view is pointless in isolation.

This is a very strange forum: people are able to hijack threads, whilst others throw their toys out of the pram if they don't understand the original question.

Au revoir.
Would this description of Bhel-Puri be eloquent enough for you?

“Exotic crispy puffed wild rice from the amazon rainforest, drizzled with an aromatic salsa-verde of Mauritanian desert cilantro & the chefs secret micro-greens sourced from our exclusive greenhouses in the antarctic, bathed in a luscious salsa-rosso of Botswanaiandates & exceedingly rare Burundian Bujumbura chillies known for fruiting once in twelve years, seasoned with a sauce of sweet Japanese volcanic-soil grown tamarind & malabar organic raw sugar; tossed in a bronze vessel with macedoines of Mongolian winter shallots & Andean heritage potatoes and riotously festooned with a cacophony of Andalusian chickpea flavoured crunchies “bugea” & “papdy” cooked “a la Marwaraise”

Chill dude, it's just a figure of speech! (Obviously our figures of speech are not eloquently compatible). End of discussion.
If you were to ask this question on a number of very well established US/UK forums, you would first be asked what are the other components in the chain (or what are you thinking of matching them with), your room dimensions and what kind of music do you prefer. Pretty standard stuff really. Most amps by prestige brands (Roksan, Creek, Naim, Arcam etc) are good, but such a view is pointless in isolation.

This is a very strange forum: people are able to hijack threads, whilst others throw their toys out of the pram if they don't understand the original question.

Au revoir.
There may be more than one approach to a subject. What you prefer is subjective to you. Since you look up to the us/uk forums, perhaps you’ve noticed that people out there are very courteous as well? Can’t adopt one practice and discard the rest as per your convenience, right?
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