Cyrus 6s VS Marantz SA 7001

Last week i had an audition of RS6 , but to my surprise i didnt like the sound . There is a old TDL speakers with a dealer here in trichy and that sounded much better then MA RS6 , Also listened to Mordaunt short 906 ,914 but they were pretty ordinary. Can anyone tell where i can audition Epos or Spendour and Quad .

Although they are referred to simply as Mordaunt Short 906i, the 906i and 904i are part of the low-end "Avant" range. You should listen to the Mordaunt Short "Mezzo" (or even "Performance") ranges to compare them to RS6 etc.

If you are close to a ProFX (Profx - Advanced Audio Solutions) showroom, try the Focal JMLab speakers as well.

If you are planning for a standmount, please hear the Monitor Audio GS10 standmount instead. Much better than the RS6. I found the Totem Rainmaker to have better imaging and agility than the Spendor S3/5E but they are a bit bright so its a matter of taste.
Polk Audio speaker prices have been dropped. They should be within the range you are looking for. Their LSi series has received very good reviews. Suggest you audition them as well.

Polk Audio is out of my list ranjeet , i didnt like the sound of any Polk models , they are like a local speakers. KEF was ok , but highly reviewed q35i is not that good. Its a lessons for people who buy equipment only based on reviews.

Then i had a chance of hearing Dynaudio 52 , Quad , Mission , Mordaunt short .

Mission and Mordaunt short are in a different league. They are Value for money products but not that great.

I found Dynaudio and quad to be good. I am shortlisting my speakers to Dynaudio 52 , Quad 12L or 21L , Energy C9 ( demo item which i can get for much less ) any comments on the above models?

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Would prefer a dyna to the quads. The 21/22 are good but i would say the dyna 52 anyday over the quad 11/12L.Also see the B&W 685/CM1. May appeal to u.(Know they are over priced but am still suggesting u hear them)
hello Dinyaar ,

yes i am leaning towards Dynaudio 52 , i have heard the Quad21L and was fantastic , but my room is too small ( just 10*13 feet ) to accomodate a FS, i also had an audition on the Proac , very good but beyond my budget. By the way whats the cost of B&W speakers you have mentioned. and will it suit my room size.

And a personal question , you seems to be more of an audiophile and you are seen all around this site., whats the equipment you are using?

Hi Tharun,
I just love to listen to music. It relaxes, entertains and cheers me up. Not sure of the audiophile bit though! My current set up is a Cyrus cd6s cdp, Bryston BP 6 pre/ 4BSST power amp, B&W 805s speakers. I like the set up and my room is about 200sft . Just could not get a FS to sound correct in my room so opted for the Stand mount though before i shifted i always had FS(603,704,804) with a Mc amp.
Please dont try to FIT a floor stander in a small room. FS are tough to position and can sound boomy and can load the room(though the small RS6 is ok for a small room as its a really small FS)
Dyna 52 is a good speaker @ 45K the B&W 685 is 40K and the CM1 will be 57K. All are good options. Depends on the sound u are after. The MA gold series bookshelf is a good option too.
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I found Dynaudio and quad to be good. I am shortlisting my speakers to Dynaudio 52 , Quad 12L or 21L , Energy C9 ( demo item which i can get for much less ) any comments on the above models?

DynAudio Audience 52 - Well controlled sound. Almost nil coloration. Profound vocals, specifically female voices. Tight, spot on bass. Very capable speaker overall. But need a lot of power to get going. Feed it some current and it will sing. Also, for the same money you can find speakers that offer better soundstage.

Quads are very good speakers. I am sure they can't be a wrong choice. Just audition once and see for yourself if you like the sound. They will go a few DBs lower than the Audience.

Energy - No comment.

Polk Audio is out of my list ranjeet , i didnt like the sound of any Polk models
Just out of curiosity, was there something particular that you didn't like about Polk sound? Just want to have your impression of Polk.
Just out of curiosity, was there something particular that you didn't like about Polk sound? Just want to have your impression of Polk.[/QUOTE]

The Polk sounded very harsh and bright , and it was ok for these pop and trance music and the when you compare them with the British sound ........oh god Polk sounded just like a local one.

Hi Dinyaar ,

You have a very nice setup , have heard Bryston in one of the showrooms , very impressive sound, any ways let me know when you sell these equipment ;) , Happy listening.

Last week i had an audition of RS6 , but to my surprise i didnt like the sound . There is a old TDL speakers with a dealer here in trichy and that sounded much better then MA RS6 , Also listened to Mordaunt short 906 ,914 but they were pretty ordinary.

Hi Tharun,

Since your last post above, I observed that you have auditioned the Quad 21L as well and I quite understand your preference for "british sound" as you put it. A quick question - how would you compare the Quad 21L sound with that of the old TDL speakers you heard at your Trichy dealer? The TDL must atleast be over a decade old and so discount the age factor appropriately when you share your feedback. I've owned a pair of TDL RTL3 SE floorstanders since 1998, but I have not heard the Quad and therefore the question to you. Thanks.:)
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Hi Dinyaar ,

You have a very nice setup , have heard Bryston in one of the showrooms , very impressive sound, any ways let me know when you sell these equipment ;) , Happy listening.


Thanks Tharun i will surely inform u after a few years but i presume u would have bought something by then!!!!HAHAHA Ya i do like the amps as they are cleaner/more transparent and neutral than any of my earlier amps but the pricing in India for bryston is pretty silly now. I think they are a super SS amps. Maybe too clinical for some though.
Best regards
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