DAC Cables - How good are they?

I am planning to purchase the same set of speakers as you purchased. Curious to know the price you paid for.


Its on the First Floor of Lumbini Amrutha Chambers, Nagarjuna Circle, Rd. No.3, Banjara Hills. Meet Mr. Srinivas, Stores - in - charge. Very decent guy. The place is owned by Mr. Sesha Reddy.

Tel. No. 040-23350099

I have just purchased a pair of Wharfedale Diamond 9.6 Tower speakers, 9 CM Center speaker, 2 pairs of 9 DFS Surround speakers and a PC 12+ Subwoofer from them.

Still waiting on AVR kumar ? Congrats on your set up

Does any body know where you get good price for DAC cables in Bangalore.

Vector at bangalore is quoting 98+ 12.5 tax /meter.(16G)

Is the above price acceptable ?

But kumar says he got for 40/mt at vector hyd. ( While his 14G is 76/mt how is it ? i thought 16G is costlier)

Please some ideas.:cool:

The Vector Bangalore chaps are crooks in disguise. They quoted 145/- per meter for the 16 guage in December while the other WF dealer quoted 48/-. He even showed me a fake printed pricel list!! Then they tried to rip me off by charging 22K for the marantz cd6002 cdp. Correct price is in the range of 15 - 18K.

Buyer Beware!!

Vector b'lore is very bad and given a chance they will easily cheat. Once i went there for demo, assistant was there who setup everthing and the demo session was very good. But the owner was not there(forgot the name) and assistant gave a rough estimate.(2 to 3k above MRP). I thought may be he did not know the price and walked from there.

The i met the owner in AV exhibition in kanteerva stadium. When enquired about the prices he quoted

9.1 for 15.5K, 9.2 for 18K, SW150 for 22K and 9.5 for 33K. i felt disguised and jsut gave him a look and he immediately said that these are approximate prices. But i very well know thew MRP of the speakers and just walked away without even replying him. So friends beware.

Anybody using the below DAC high end cables?

DAC SPY211 Hi-End Speaker Cable (3 metre stereo pair)

PCA091 (what has it to do with direction arrows??)
DAC PCA091 Hi-end PCOCC Twisted Pair 2 RCA to 2 RCA Interconnect

DAC ARX01A 2RCA to 2RCA Audio Interconnect Cable

Any comparisons to chord crimson IC and chord silver screen speaker cable are welcome. Are these an upgrade from the chord cables? Especially the PCOCC ones?

Also anyone used the below power cable from DAC?
Sight And Sound India

How much is the cost and what is the performance? I cannot see them in the hifimart. Any chance to get them listed?
Hi Blasto,

I am using the ARX01A interconnects. I did not try the other ones you mentioned.

I have compared these with chord crimson (loaned from Ravi) and these are better than chord interconnects.

I borrowed these from Sajjad and auditioned these today..

My take, Bass is controlled and lean and the ICs are overall bright in combination with straightwire speaker cables.

These seem better than the chorm crimpson but the sound signature is EXACTLY opposite.

PCOCC - lean and bright (more like nordost). Good vocals.
Chord Crimson - Warm (albeit not fuller sound). Thin vocals.

Mr. Murthy's IC cable paired with straightwire waveguide is the best combo I came accross in my setup till now.

Mr Murthy's cable (copper) - Well defined vocals, Controlled warm bass, Non pronounced but presnt HF.

People believing in cable burn-in, PCOCC is very new and not burned in if that makes a difference. A real poor man's nordost at this point.
Question About DAC cable

I have taken DAC Optical Audio Cable for connecting my LED TV (Samsung UA40D5500RR) to Yamaha RX-v671 so that I can play movies from TV USB drive or play youtube clips on TV and and audio from my HT, but I feel sound is Suppressed? Any idea ?


How good are DAC speaker cables available at Vector, Hyderabad? There are 2 varieties - DAC STK 14 Rs.76 Mtr / STK 16 Rs.46 Mtr.

I need to choose cables for my Wharfedale Diamond 9.6 speaker system in a 7.1 setup to pair with a Denon AVR 1909 receiver. I have already placed an order and hope to get them in a few days from now.

What guage do you recommend for the different speakers? Can I use 16 guage for all the speakers? or is it better to use 14 guage for the Tower speakers? DAC STK 14 seems to be a good choice if it works well. Vector sells Monster THX SP16 cable for abt Rs.125 per meter. Which is a better choice ? DAC STK 14 or Monster THX SP 16?

What Subwoofer cable do you recommend? Is it necessary to use a connector or is it better to directly connect the cable to the speaker and receiver? Pls recommend some connectors and their price.

Please advice on brands and prices. Also where I can buy them at Hyderabad. QED is too expensive for me. Monster too. Something around Rs.100 per meter, please.


The DAC speaker cables are available in Hyderabad. I purchased 16 awg 100 metre reel for my self and my friend. The cost is Rs.8,600/- against a MRP of Rs.8,900/-. The same is available from the company's on line stores. The change in the performance of the Home Theatre is remarkable. Earlier I was using Made in China cable(CCA).
The DAC speaker cables are available in Hyderabad. I purchased 16 awg 100 metre reel for my self and my friend. The cost is Rs.8,600/- against a MRP of Rs.8,900/-. The same is available from the company's on line stores. The change in the performance of the Home Theatre is remarkable. Earlier I was using Made in China cable(CCA).

Hi pmvali,
Can you please share the shop name where you bought DAC cable?


How good are DAC speaker cables available at Vector, Hyderabad? There are 2 varieties - DAC STK 14 Rs.76 Mtr / STK 16 Rs.46 Mtr.

I need to choose cables for my Wharfedale Diamond 9.6 speaker system in a 7.1 setup to pair with a Denon AVR 1909 receiver. I have already placed an order and hope to get them in a few days from now.

What guage do you recommend for the different speakers? Can I use 16 guage for all the speakers? or is it better to use 14 guage for the Tower speakers? DAC STK 14 seems to be a good choice if it works well. Vector sells Monster THX SP16 cable for abt Rs.125 per meter. Which is a better choice ? DAC STK 14 or Monster THX SP 16?

What Subwoofer cable do you recommend? Is it necessary to use a connector or is it better to directly connect the cable to the speaker and receiver? Pls recommend some connectors and their price.

Please advice on brands and prices. Also where I can buy them at Hyderabad. QED is too expensive for me. Monster too. Something around Rs.100 per meter, please.



Rs.900 (for six meters) too satisfactory. Pls check hifimart for more details.
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