DAC or CD Player


Active Member
Jul 13, 2011
Hi All,

Here,First I would like to say that with the help of all of the forum members,I have able to get my audio setup which is highly respected and reliable and very well known in audophile world.

Player--Cambridge audio 651 BR

Display--Panasonic plasma 42 inch

Speakers--Acoustic portrait Floor Standers

Amplifiers--Woodstock 80w/ch 8ohm (Soon going to get Naim nait5i).

As I do not wish to stretch this chain to some more couple of lakhs like-rs.2 lakh of player, rs. 2 lakh of DAC and so on.

So just wish to know that is it necessary to opt for very costly cd player OR if I go for a good DAC , will it be sufficient?

I meant if I add a good DAC of Naim OR Antilope kind of stuff with my Cambridge audio 651 BD, will I again need to spend on a high end CD player?

Thank you
I think a a good DAC would fulfil the need if you already got the Cambridge audio 651 BD. Later you can add a 'CD transporter' if you feel yr BD player is ordinary.
I think a a good DAC would fulfil the need if you already got the Cambridge audio 651 BD. Later you can add a 'CD transporter' if you feel yr BD player is ordinary.

Cambridge dvd is very very good. I do not kow what is cd transporter.
Varma_vikas, if you play music solely from CDs and if the CA BD player is not performing up to mark, try to audition a cd6003/6004 from Marantz. You can see if any forum member in your region can lend it to you or you can take your CA Bd player to your marantz dealer to do an A-B comparison to see if there is a difference. Ofcourse, the rest of the set up would be different. I feel though, that your amplification is the biggest concern. But I read that you are getting Naim amp, so that is covered. If you can, do get the AP integrated or pre power, that would be a match made in heaven with your speakers.
It's a bit pricey, but probably worth it. If varma_vikas likes the sound, then it makes sense to use it as the dac for other digital-out things. It makes sense to ask if he is going to have any other digital sources --- but it also makes sense to have the possibility, as that might change in a few years time.

Oh, and
As I do not wish to stretch this chain to some more couple of lakhs like-rs.2 lakh of player, rs. 2 lakh of DAC and so on.
It's a lot less pricey than that.

I recently nearly bought a NAD CD player. Quite a lot cheaper, It also has digital in, but not the same flexibility as the Audiolab, and I don't know, but Audiolab may be a class above generally. If I had bought it, I would have fed my Squeezebox through it, for starters.
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