Deafness, tinnitus and the invisible toll of loud music

130db is the equivalent of a military jet aircraft take-off from an aircraft carrier with afterburner at 50 feet.
You're telling us you listen (occasionally?) at these levels? Right!
Do you have any neighbours left? In the stadium neighbouring yours? :p
Oh no! @keith_correa ! What have you done!!!
Please do not take it otherwise but what is the problem with disclosing your equipment? That is pretty much the whole idea of being in the forum, to have a discussion with fellow members. Again, I am only trying to understand your reservation. You do not have to divulge information on your equipment, I am just curious.
You may listen to at 130db levels, I have no comment on that. It is your preference and if you are fine with that, then it is perfectly alright.

Because I'd rather people's responses are based on the contents of my post and not my equipment.
I have read that there are different frequencies weighting for measurements
A weighted ,C weighted & Z weighted.( See below links)

I have seen some people on abroad forums listening upto 141db levels ( probably the LFE ). Definitely one should have very much capable system to achieve such thing without distortion .Even if they achieve ,Not sure how they manage such levels for hearing.
Seems like the thread has suddenly taken a route towards world records for spl levels in music listening.
How do you guys measure the loudness of your content? How do you measure when playing through speakers and how do you measure when playing through headphones?

I live beside the outer ring road and have to boost my system to 75% sometimes to be able to hear dialogues. I would love to assess how loud things are around me.

And what is the safe level to be in? I found this
@sumitkpandit, a part response to your post:
I upgraded the audio system in my car a couple of years ago.
one of the best investments I did while doing this was to first install layers of good quality insulation all over the bottom of the passenger compartment, wall separating the engine, and doors. This immediately cut noise and made the cabin quieter and consequently I can play music at lower listening levels with satisfying quality.
Sound insulation may be more expensive than turning up the volume to cut the noise, but in the long run I think it could be a better solution.
Seems like the thread has suddenly taken a route towards world records for spl levels in music listening.
yes, he has done it again !!!

It’s the same attention seeking pattern we have seen before in any thread he participates in.

It goes like this.
He will make an outrageous comment in a thread
Everyone following the thread is outraged, provoked.
Some reply, mocking, or questioning the absurdity of his post, others question the obvious lack of logic etc
He responds defiantly, never admitting he could be mistaken, this continues for several pages.
The whole thread is now his….he owns it….mission accomplished. (Picture him rubbing his hands in glee)
At some point the mods lose patience and close the thread.
He waits for the next opportunity.

Attention seeking behaviour is. Imminent in young children.
I am sure there is a term for this in adulthood.
He may not be aware of this pattern of behaviour himself.

The best and most respectful response to this kind of behaviour is to assess his comment on its merits.
If it’s obviously absurd, provocative and attention seeking, best not to respond.
Definitely do not respond with insults
If it adds value, or seeks to learn etc: respond if you can help out.
Pls dont disturb me, I have just crossed the Kepler's belt and on my way to interstellar space. I am going to go straight to middle of our galaxy inside the kernel of the black hole there and then soon return home with some kind of powers beyond human capability. I have also just watched matrix resurrections trailer. Pls do enjoy that till i am back.
@sumitkpandit, a part response to your post:
I upgraded the audio system in my car a couple of years ago.
one of the best investments I did while doing this was to first install layers of good quality insulation all over the bottom of the passenger compartment, wall separating the engine, and doors. This immediately cut noise and made the cabin quieter and consequently I can play music at lower listening levels with satisfying quality.
Sound insulation may be more expensive than turning up the volume to cut the noise, but in the long run I think it could be a better solution.

yes, he has done it again !!!

It’s the same attention seeking pattern we have seen before in any thread he participates in.

It goes like this.
He will make an outrageous comment in a thread
Everyone following the thread is outraged, provoked.
Some reply, mocking, or questioning the absurdity of his post, others question the obvious lack of logic etc
He responds defiantly, never admitting he could be mistaken, this continues for several pages.
The whole thread is now his….he owns it….mission accomplished. (Picture him rubbing his hands in glee)
At some point the mods lose patience and close the thread.
He waits for the next opportunity.

Attention seeking behaviour is. Imminent in young children.
I am sure there is a term for this in adulthood.
He may not be aware of this pattern of behaviour himself.

I wonder why so many people on this forum make assumptions quite readily. I'd like to see how mods respond to this but I don't believe in "reporting" posts like others here.
Thanks Analogous, it's a good topic and makes us aware that it is better to be safe than to be sorry. It's prudent to learn from the first hand experiences of some FM's here and listen at moderate volumes.
Thanks Analogous, it's a good topic and makes us aware that it is better to be safe than to be sorry. It's prudent to learn from the first hand experiences of some FM's here and listen at moderate volumes.
Thanks Nitin. I think it’s fair to say we all (everyone on this forum) are united by our appreciation of music and auditory experiences. We owe it to ourselves to take utmost care of our ….personal equipment.
I mostly listen to music while working and at 40 dBA. Above 55dBA is too loud for me to listen within the same room.
But I have to go through lot of Teams /Google meet calls, which will be much louder than my music listening levels. One good thing is that now I don't use headphones like I used to do earlier while connecting to meetings using mobile phones. I used to get headaches by the end of the day because of that.
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“…When being sonically bombarded (with music), you don’t have the bandwidth to be distracted by negative or unwanted thoughts. You’re in a heightened state that feels detached from prior context, which makes immersing yourself in sound an unparalleled method of release….”

Unfortunately for us, there is an overlap between pleasurable loudness and dangerous loudness, so while music at a higher volume sounds better, it comes with a neurological toll. With higher volumes, we get increased enjoyment, but also harm the cells in our ear that respond to sound, which once damaged malfunction and are irreplaceable.

The effect of excessive sound is common to anyone who’s come home from a night out to find their ears still ringing long after the music’s stopped. That internal siren is called tinnitus and is the sensation of the hair cells responsible for processing pitch misfiring after sufficient wear and tear. Tinnitus, both short-term and more permanent, and hearing loss are common byproducts of listening at unsafe levels….

…stress, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive impairment are all possible results of undue time spent under auditory strain (be it from music or other environmental noise like freeways, aircrafts, or power tools).”

Thank you for starting this thread, this will help us in listening to our music safely and in a better way. The experiences shared by many members are very helpful too.
Thanks once again.
You should carefully read my post.

I think everyone should be careful in not reading those posts. Those dont any value to thread or in general, ironically they seem to suggest that 120db is very normal listening level for any person and anyone following that could lead himself to serious ear damage.
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