Definitive technology subwoofers--supercube reference or the trinity

it took 3 of us to shift it to the top floor , had a really tough time as the stairway is narrow

thinking is it really worth all the pain?

its huge!! really big for a sub , i thot my jamo c809s were massive but in front of the trinity the jamos look like they are hidding shit scared

appears like a huge tree has landed in my small room

the actual model is

powerfield supercube trinity signature subwoofer

@ the back it says AC-120v 60hz , t8 AL 250v

on discussion abt this issue with the supplier ,i believe this sub was bought from audio people in chennai , and all required power tunning has been done and there was no need for concern , am told that there is a setting internally for asian countries

its time to chk it out

is it really worth it??

Subhash, please post pics soon. Really excited to have a look. Make sure you take a wide angle shot as well. As this will give us a comparitive idea w.r.t. the room and other equipment.

PS> Make sure the garden chair is not in room. you don't want it to flying around in the room!:lol:
I am waiting for the sketch of your room. I have surveyed the market and shorlisted some furniture for you and Santhosh.

it took 3 of us to shift it to the top floor , had a really tough time as the stairway is narrow

thinking is it really worth all the pain?

is it really worth it??

Man I'm going bonkers :yahoo:here & you're asking is it really worth it:D. Many of us can only dream about the trinity.It's probably The Holy Grail of subwoofers:ohyeah:. I'm just out of words...
If you were in chennai I wud have barged into your home for a listen:D.Just kidding.
Congratulations and Enjoy.

played around the whole day with the sub, powering it on was no issues as i was rightly told that the electric conversion was already done

-its really big
-tried different locations ( its really dificult to experiment with locations coz of the weight), it sounded best in front
-it was easy to configure it into my system

- very good , it has LFE, LOW LEVEL L/R in , and also connections for spkrs
-also has pre outs , for connecting more subs

music (connected via pre out of my vincent pre to low level L / R in of sub)
sounded awesome ,
there was more depth to the bass,
very tight,
absolutely no boominess
plays very loud and deep
addictive bass
some of my old cds sounded totally different never knew there was so much bass in it

movies---connected via LFE of avr
-definetly rocking for HT , does really shake up the room
-its a quiet sub ,only fires when needed and stays quiet and ready to fire again
definetly a great sub for HT and music
-no hum/boom at all
-some bass notes cud very well be felt more than heard, u cud really feel it all over the body

unbelievable vibrations downstairs, both in the first and ground floor below (my HT is on the second floor)

cant pin point the exact locations of vibrations below ( any suggestions here??), how do i stop the vibrations below

although i have sealed my windows in the ht with acoustic boards ,with this sub theres a lot of vibrations from outside which can be heard inside at resonably high vol levels

with music playing ,jst went out to check , i cud hear the window panes of my neighbours on vibrating mode too ( this is a bit of a concern) as most of my movie watching is late nights

on the whole its a great sounding sub , although my room isnt that big it still sounded amazing

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with music playing jst went out to check , i cud hear the window panes of my neighbours on vibrating mode too ( this is a bit of a concern) as most of my movie watching is late nights

Hah!! Subhash get ready for lawsuit from your neighbours for disturbing their peace!!!

Now the thing is that sound is leaking from your HT. Reducing the levels on your sub defies the whole purpose of buying trinity. So, we need to work on your room..again.

What you need is a sound-proofing membrane called Tecsound

TEXSA INDIA - Roofing , waterproofing, thermal and acoustic insulation.

Excerpts from the website:


TECSOUND is a polymer-based, asphalt-free, high density synthetic soundproofing membrane, that offers good acoustic insulation in different building elements.




High acoustic insulation, combined with porous, nonrigid elements.
Great elongation capacity
Easy handling and adaptable to uneven surfaces.
Cold- and heat-resistance.
Excellent ageing resistance.

Presentation and storage

Type Kg/m Thickness(mm)

Tecsound 35 3.5 1.8
Tecsound 70 7 3.8
Tecsound 100 10 5.3

On demand, Tecsound can also be supplied in other dimensions. Please contact Texsa for further information.The product must be stored in dry premises, protected against weathering, during a maximum period of one year.


Soundproofing against airborne noise in vertical walls with low surface density (lightweight partition walls or boards made of different materials).
Soundproofing against airborne noise in ceilings.
Reduction of impact noise level in all types of floors, sandwiched between floor slabs and loose-laid flooring.
Damping of impact noise caused by atmospheric agents on metal decks.
Combined with sound-absorbent materials, it offers products with high acoustic performance.
Its applications in the industrial field cover from the soundproofing of booths to the acoustic insulation of machine-rooms, gutter pipes, sound-damping of metal sheets, etc.
For further information see examples in systems sheets.


Installation of the membrane: Prior to installation of the membrane on the substrate, LS Adhesive must be applied to both the membrane and substrate, allowing it to dry during 15 to 20 minutes before applying the membrane.

Laps: Overlap 5 cm both vertically and horizontally. Care must be taken to always seal the laps correctly, either with adhesive or hot air, as small openings can reduce the level of acoustic insulation required.

Yield: 1 m of membrane covers approximately 0.90 m2 of surface, including overlaps."

You see Subhash, if you change anything in the HT chain, more often than not you have to change some other component as well. In this case you increased the bass in your HT and hence jarring on windows etc.

One more thing, trinity is sub that goes very,very low...14hz I think. Below 20Hz humans cannot hear but they can certainly feel. You are select few on the forum now who can feel these kind of vibrations.

Now, Tecsound is an expensive product. I used Tescound 70 for my ceiling. I think it costed Rs.650/sqM

You will have to staple/screw it on the inside of your acoustic boards and on the outside of your doors. It won't let the sound pass through. Further, I think first you have to identify the leakages and post it here. Then we shall take it from there.

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sumith there is no sound heard in the first and second floor its only kind of very bad vibrations(metallic in nature) which is very much felt, like someone banging on your head

is it bcoz the vibrations cud be pasing thro my floor on to the roof below
i have not used thick carpets ,mine is a very basic carpet
i shud try to isolate the sub from floor with spikes ( though there is provision for spikes , have not been supplied with it , need to talk it over with supplier)
a few pics of the trinity

, u cud asess the size of it , also i have stripped the fabric so do chk out the drivers , there are 6 of them , 2 active front firing ,and 4 passive side firing

i found the front position , below the screen ,most suitable

u cud compare its size with the jamo c809s which are really huge

its like 2 supercube reference placed on top of each other
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sumith there is no sound heard in the first and second floor its only kind of very bad vibrations(metallic in nature) which is very much felt, like someone banging on your head

is it bcoz the vibrations cud be pasing thro my floor on to the roof below
i have not used thick carpets ,mine is a very basic carpet
i shud try to isolate the sub from floor with spikes ( though there is provision for spikes , have not been supplied with it , need to talk it over with supplier)

low bass frequencies have wavelengths in excess of 30 feet, so unless you have a room 30 feet each side of the cube, it is futile trying to isolate those frequencies outside of your abode.

concrete floors, ceilings and brick walls will attenuate these frequencies to a degree, but if you are serious about not annoying your neighbours, you might need professional help to sound proof your room (a very costly exercise, if done right)


carpets and spikes will not help
Thanks Subhash for the reply and congrats man! I am also interested in buying a trinity. Will it be possible to get the contact details of the dealer? (For buying used, if he has one).
what is the final price u got it for? (Don't worry, will not disclose to dealer, will use it as a bargaining limit).
Thanks Subhash for the reply and congrats man! I am also interested in buying a trinity. Will it be possible to get the contact details of the dealer? (For buying used, if he has one).
what is the final price u got it for? (Don't worry, will not disclose to dealer, will use it as a bargaining limit).

its tough to find this particular model in used market , but u cud definetly try

and get one if you are lucky, but other models will be there, i think there was

one velodyne DD 18 , chk it out, will pm u the no:
untill now was not in favour of using a sub for music (may be i had not auditioned good subs )

but with the trinity i wud love to use this for music
sumith there is no sound heard in the first and second floor its only kind of very bad vibrations(metallic in nature) which is very much felt, like someone banging on your head

is it bcoz the vibrations cud be pasing thro my floor on to the roof below
i have not used thick carpets ,mine is a very basic carpet
i shud try to isolate the sub from floor with spikes ( though there is provision for spikes , have not been supplied with it , need to talk it over with supplier)

Exactly, Subhash there has to be vibrations not sound. As I said earlier, at very low frequencies only vibrations can be felt not heard. Furthermore, as you move away from the source of sound, the impact of sound decreases but vibrations can still be felt.

Spikes will not help. Although, I feel thicker carpet can slightly reduce the vibrations...only slightly. But, I am skeptical about this statement of mine.

You need to soundproof your room OR Acoustic Insulation. I would love to know if other members can suggest otherwise.


PS> Rockstar: Whereabouts in Meerut are you from???
exactly sumith as u stated in an earlier post , upgrade to one product will lead to some other changes else where

its a major cycle, but great fun
congrats subash, trinity subwoofer you have purchased is awesome and I am sure that you got the right product according to your taste. I will drop in some time for an audition.

Hi subhash thanks for the invitation to audition your set-up.

Friends, I had a great evening and literally enjoyed music at subhashs residence today. Any CD, which was thrown in to the marantz cd player was playing extremely well.

I had listened to his set-up last week. But today the scene was totally different and the secret in quantum jump in overall dynamics and involvement in music was awesome. The new component, which was added by Subhash, was a mini fridge, oh!! Sorry mini fridge size trinity subwoofer (a black monster). It was like listening to a live show at Palace grounds.

congrats subhash once again.

low bass frequencies have wavelengths in excess of 30 feet, so unless you have a room 30 feet each side of the cube, it is futile trying to isolate those frequencies outside of your abode.

concrete floors, ceilings and brick walls will attenuate these frequencies to a degree, but if you are serious about not annoying your neighbours, you might need professional help to sound proof your room (a very costly exercise, if done right)


carpets and spikes will not help

having a room 30 feet on each side of the sub , does anyone have such a room for ht , u cud get such a room if u plan up your ht room in the basement

spoke to a person and was told to do treatment for the floor , the guy might come over today , lets see what he has to say
Hi subhash thanks for the invitation to audition your set-up.

Friends, I had a great evening and literally enjoyed music at subhashs residence today. Any CD, which was thrown in to the marantz cd player was playing extremely well.

I had listened to his set-up last week. But today the scene was totally different and the secret in quantum jump in overall dynamics and involvement in music was awesome. The new component, which was added by Subhash, was a mini fridge, oh!! Sorry mini fridge size trinity subwoofer (a black monster). It was like listening to a live show at Palace grounds.

congrats subhash once again.


hi buswal , after u left v sat down to watch an old movie (mummy 1 ) on bluray , this was my first movie with the trinity ,was playing the movie as usual at -4db thro the onkyo , it was one great experience with the trinity , it fired really hard when needed , feeling the bass in some of the scenes was a terrific experience :yahoo:

but after finishing the movie when v went downstairs i really got fired upside down , i believe the vibrations @ the first floor ie below my ht were just too much ,(this happens to be my parents bedroom below ) there was no sound heard but vibrations felt with too much intensity, that my father jumped out of the bed!!!!:) so much so that i have been advised by them not to use the sub until i do some treatment or else get back my old sub with which i never had this issue :mad:

have convinced them that something will be done abt this!!!!
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