Delhi Audiophiles - Jan '10 Meet

Hello Kamalji,

As of now it looks like I will be in town and will come to gzd and if anybody wants to join me I can take them from Gurgaon in my car!

Friends, I've reconfirmed with Dr Sanjeev Garg re the proposed meet at 2.30pm on Sunday, the 24th Jan at his home in Ghaziabad.
The meet is on so I've sms'd all Delhi audiophiles whose mob nos I know re Dr Gargs' address & mob no.
In case any audiophile who is able to make it has a nice camera, plz do bring it along to take good pics of the eqpt & of rhe get together so that it can be shared with forum members.
It is also suggested commitments to come be posted so that some tie ups for going together can be thought up, if poss.
Lets try our best to attend the meet;with the iconic vintage eqpt that Dr Garg has, this will be a special one.

This is not fair...not fair....:sad::sad:I would not be here, all big guns coming and I wount be able to invite them at my house....not fair :sad: :sad: :sad:
Sam,can you not try to make it?
E.g, HifiAshok juggled around his trip out of town & will be arriving back on the 24th FN, so as to ensure that he does not miss out.
Do try, friend.
Else, since there are a no. of other people also who would be out of town on Sunday, I'm sure another trip to Dr Sa'ab will happen.
Sam,can you not try to make it?
E.g, HifiAshok juggled around his trip out of town & will be arriving back on the 24th FN, so as to ensure that he does not miss out.
Do try, friend.
Else, since there are a no. of other people also who would be out of town on Sunday, I'm sure another trip to Dr Sa'ab will happen.

Believe me I would have dropped everything for this meet, but its a family issue, which can not be avoided. Even ashish would be missing. I was hoping it would be postponed just week more week. Anyway as you said, looking forward to that another trip to Dr Sa'ad
First let me thank Dr. Garg for extending such a warm hospitality... and the snacks by Madam was really a treat! Alas! 3 hours vanished in thin air and I said to myself Im not going anywhere as this was no ordinary event.....

We patients of music gathered to Dr. Garg's house to get our aliment cured. The doc looked into our eyes and gauged our pulse and said come'on boys to my top floor where he had an array of equipments from Nuforce Musical Fidelity amp (275wrms), 2 pairs Rogers BBC monitors, upsampler DAC, DAC, 2 pairs Quads electrostatic speakers ESL63 & ESL989, Meltron TT, 2 pairs Yamaha studio NS1000 monitors. Quad2 monoblock power amps. Then the Doc said this is nothing come down stairs and I said that I want to understand which equipment goes with which combination. He said this is only the beginning. And little did we know behold (pic will be uploaded so u could relate to our experience)

It was really great to interact with HFV people in person. Excellent learning and sharing along the way. Energetic Kamalji, humble Virenji, Venuji- the engineer, Hifiashok, VJ@hifi for navigating, Dilli@hifi

Got some rich info from Dr. Garg about Power amplifier booster amplifier
Thanks for the rectifier and Y jack Virenji.
Also Kamalji for his efforts in synch with fellow audiophile who have made this a moment to cherish...

The gods werent smiling cause the power was erratic and every time it went away we went to replenish with snacks. What actually went on I'll let our fellow HFV members post their own impression of the music.

Next time I will surely go again to listen to the iconic Quads as I was informed it needs to be charged 2 hours in advance, else will sound dry.
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Well the call goes to Kamalji and VJ HIFI to upload the pics.

MINDBLOWING, thats what we felt entering into his treasure trove. There seemed more equipment stacked around than what all of pooled together had. Very expensive hobby but the Doc Saab for collecting lots of equipment and mind you the music he had collected probably numbs the mind thinking about it.

You name it he had it. Starting from the LP records I think he had original pressings of thousands of albums, Spool tapes, some hundreds of CDs. Well the pics will speak for themshelves. Worth the effort of making it there but with the erratic power listening the Quad ESLs remained a dream which we hope will soon come true.

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Issh.. I missed the opportunity. If it happens next time, I will definitely try my best to attend.

Anyway, testing my patience to see the photographs of the meet, specially the equipments.

Kamal, as usual your coordination is sought for posting the photographs ASAP.
Would beg for a little more patience, guys.
I had written down the description of some of the eqpt in Dr Sa'abs listening room But got abs blown away when we entered the room housing his main coolection.Just kept madly clicking away w/o taking the time to ask for & write down descriptions...
So, the next day I mailed Dr Sanjeev all the snaps with a request to mail them back to me with the labels.
Soon's I get them I'll post them up for the enjoyment of friends here.
The pic above was one of Dr Sanjeev Gargs' Listening Den
(just trying,don't have much practice with posting pics etc;
fingers crossed, here are more, hope the captions come thru this time).

The Nu Vista M3 Super Integrated Amp
It worked!
Here are the rest ...

And its Monolith Power Supply.

The Meltron EMT 938 Turntable.

The Enlightened Audio Designs T1000 Transport.

Perpetual Technologies DAC;P1A Upsampler & PA3 Converter.
The Burmester 758 Pre Amp(Sorry for not getting the front view)

The Legendary Quad II Monoblocks!(Doc Sa'ab has another pair of these)

The famous Yamaha NS 1000 speakers-among the first ones to use Beryllium Midrange & tweeter.

A fuller view of the Yamaha NS 1000

The Duntech Blacknight Speakers-over 6' tall;notice the famous/tiny RogersLS3/5A wrapped in plastic at its feet.

The Quad 63 !

And its Back plate.

The Quad 989.

Micro Seiki DX1000 Turntable.

The Garrard 301 Turntable.

Another Garrad 301 with 2 tonearms.

Empire Gold Turntable

Garrard 401 Turntable,Dual TT at bottom

Leak Varislope III Pre Amp

A Radio!!

Quad Monoblocks

NakamichiDR3E Cassette Deck(top)&Yamaha DSP 1 Pre Amp

Pioneer World Tuner

An Equaliser( could'nt catch the make)

Scott Tube Pre Amp

Top-DAC-Enlightened Audio Designs DSP 1000,Middle-CDP Marantz Tube 99 modded Ah!NjoeTjoeb,Bottom-Sansui Power Amp

Linn Axis Turntable

Akai 280DS & Akai 401 Spool Decks

HSU Subwoofer

A Rotary Cylinder Phonograph! Reminds you of edison's wax cylinder phonograph invention, does'nt it?It plays by turning a hand crank which turns the cylinder while a steel needle reads the grooves.This ancient machine is in working condition.

Dual CS 555 Turntable.

Yamaha M4 Power Amp
Dr. saab stays at a museum of sorts. Pleasantly amazed.
Just wish these jewels could be dusted off though for they all exude his love for music and collection.

humble regards to the veteran

Our Gracious host Dr Sanjeev Garg in his main collection room.

Some music in his listening den...

This & follg snaps are of his main collection room.

A Pre recorded Spool tape-Doc Sa'ab has 300 of these!

Sumant(Helium)in a snap of the collection room.Behind the red door lies Tascam Spool Deck running 3/4" mag tape,used for studio mastering & a few more crates of Vinyl/Cds.
The collection room, apart from the racks on the walls with some of the collection, is filled with crates housing Vinyl/Cds/ Spools. 50k Vinyls, 30k cds etc take some storing!
Doc Sa'ab has some records dating back a century.
Care to put a price on his software collection?
This is just amazing
Meltron TT with scratch filter, Leak Varislope III and Rogers speakers are beauties...

Nice to see a kid taking interest in collection room :)
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