Denon 2800 or Yamaha A2A AVR?


Active Member
Jul 10, 2010
Dear Hifivians,
I am planning to buy a new AVR to replace my YAMAHA AVR RXV 667. I have narrowed it down to these 2 receivers, Denon 2800 or Yamaha A2A AVR, but cannot decide on my own. The only advantage is that Yamaha service is available in my hometown, Siliguri. I need your valuable input.
Dear Hifivians,
I am planning to buy a new AVR to replace my YAMAHA AVR RXV 667. I have narrowed it down to these 2 receivers, Denon 2800 or Yamaha A2A AVR, but cannot decide on my own. The only advantage is that Yamaha service is available in my hometown, Siliguri. I need your valuable input.
Consider the Denon 3800 over the 2800- it has pre outs + Dirac (optional) + advanced version of Audyssey over the 2800.
Dear Hifivians,
I am planning to buy a new AVR to replace my YAMAHA AVR RXV 667. I have narrowed it down to these 2 receivers, Denon 2800 or Yamaha A2A AVR, but cannot decide on my own. The only advantage is that Yamaha service is available in my hometown, Siliguri. I need your valuable input.
One year back I was in the same position and I had finally decided to go for Marantz SR5015. From the right place, you can get it for 90k or so.

If I am right, Denon 2800 is missing pre-out, which will be handy in future or at least in a few situations.
Also, during my purchase, I realized after going through various reviews, that Marantz has better components and DAC compared to Denon.
Again both Denon and Marantz are from the same company. They place Marantz little premium compared to Denon.

I dropped the plan for Yamaha A2A as I felt the A2A built is not as per other A series Yamahas such as A4A. You can search and check a few YouTube videos where they have shown the internal of these AVRs.

But, in the end, you should go with the company whose service centre is accessible to you.

All the best. Cheers!!!
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