Denon dp1000/3000 worth buying?

There is an old Russian saying (which used to be jokingly brought up when the MIR space station was in orbit) - if it isn't broken, don't fix it.

These decks dont really need any servicing or calibration, other than lubricating the spindle one in a while.

A Technics SL1200 (all models) can be stripped down to pieces and reassembled without any worry whatsoever. However, in order to do so, one would need some experience and the right tools. There are numerous YouTube videos on how to do so.

Getting the best out of a turntable is not difficult for average to good listening, but if you have higher expectations, the entire chain from LP record to speaker and room, comes into the picture. If you just want to relax and enjoy some good music on vinyl records, look no further than the SL1200 with a decent cartridge.
Denon DP 1000 and 3000 are direct drive TTs, yes but wait....

They use AC synchronous motors ensuring full speed ( 33 RPM or 45 RPM) in just quarter turn.

The venerable Garrard 301 & 401 also used AC synchronous motor but drive system was idler.

Story goes around that Nippon Columbia ( Denon ) designed the DP-3000 as an RIAA Broadcast Quality turntable.

It is built to run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in an actual radio broadcast station for years.

The motor torque is sufficient to bring the turntable to full speed within 1/4 turn from a dead stop.

DJs would back cue a record by setting the stylus into the groove, manually turning the disc until the music started, then turning the record in reverse 1/4 turn. When he announced the song, he hit the 45 button on the turntable, and that turntable was supposed to be up to speed by the time the music started. One quarter turn from a dead stop. That was a RIAA specification for a broadcast turntable.

So Denon DP 3000 is indeed a different beast.
Hi everyone,

I don't want to create another thread, so I am posting it here. I was looking for another cheap turntable to buy for some DIY modifications. I recently came to a DUAL CS 435-1 turntable. Does anybody have any idea about this one? I don't know much about this, and from online reviews, there are some negative comments. If anybody has any idea, please let me know.

thank you
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