Detailing (shampooing) of speaker grill Tips


Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
Goa and mumbai
As I am in laundry and dry cleaning business, I cater to many high profile clientele in Mumbai, who need detail cleaning of their expensive vintage canvas, lampshades etc. I highly recommend you to dislodge the grill and use a soft bristle paint brush and a clean soft shoe brush to vibrate the dust of as gently as possible, thoroughly from inside and outside without missing any corners.
The next step would be to use a dry vacuum with a soft bristle adaptor for suctioning of the loosened dirt from the grill. The result will be near 60% appreciable.
For those who have a wet and dry vacuum, I suggest you to buy a Dry Foam Shampoo canister, mostly available in malls having large stores, or in automobile accessories stores that sell such products to clean the car upholstery. Just spray over all the exterior grill area, then give a light soft bristle scrub and vacuum gently. After this process is complete either keep in the shade or use hair drier on low heat till dry.
Even if you cannot find a dry foam shampoo canister then try this DIY home method. Use your hair shampoo. Just 1 tea spoon in mild hot water. Beat like the way you beat an egg. Let the foam gather, Gently lay that the top foam all over the grill and scrub gently. Later use ONLY wet and dry vacuum. REMEMBER do not use dry vacuum cleaner to suction any thing moist, as you will end up charring your vacuum motor
You certainly will have a new laundered grill. Please do reply if you are happy with my suggestion.
How should one clean the speaker cones and the tweeter thingies?

For years, I have been cleaning the woofer & tweeter by using a small hand held rubber blower( used for camera lenses too) from a close distance. It does the job quite well. Pls don't touch or put pressure on the tweeter since it is very delicate & may get pushed in or dented in some types. For the speaker grill & rest of the mdf surface, I use a soft microfiber cloth. If you do this once a week, your speakers will be in great condition for years. In addition to this if possible use cloth covers for the speakers when not in use, this helps the most.
Others may suggest some better options.
How should one clean the speaker cones and the tweeter thingies?
Sorry for replying so late. Please AVOID any sort of spray on the cones, and tweeter. Just use a normal soft paint brush of 2 to 3 inches and let the loose dirt or dust fall off. Then you may either softly without any pressure use a dry vacuum machine with soft bristles, on low suction as possible, by adjusting the air intake nozzle and keep vacuuming as visible results are achieved. In the absence of a dry vacuum cleaner, you may use a hair blower on COLD (that is normal air without the heater) switch and blow by simultaneously brushing off with your soft paint brush. I feel you will be happy with the results.
I use a mild shampoo and warm water. Once they are soaked, I leave them under a shower for 10 min and drip dry them. The AR510 space grills and the cloth will do fine for all cleaning.My AR18s have original foam grills and I never take them near a vacuum cleaner as it may break off the ultra fragile foam into chunks. Really depends on the age and material.I avoid scrubbing by all means.
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