Did anyone get his/her hearing checked?


Active Member
Dec 14, 2007
Hyderabad/Chennai, India
Guys... seems like I am loosing my power of hearing....sound funny but I have noticed that somtimes, I dont get what others are talking in a group while others are listening and talking.... Is this the sure way of growing deaf ?
Sorry to know. It isn't uncommon.

But before you run to an ENT expert, let me ask you, do you have chronic cold? Sometimes due to excessive cough our auditory senses don't perform the way they should. It's a form of temporary hearing loss, which is reversible.

If not, then you should immediately see an ENT expert.

Btw, this is not uncommon for people who hear excessively loud on a regular basis, to lose hearing ability faster than others. A few years ago when I got a check up done, my hearing was found to be "normal". Luckily for me, I stopped listening to loud music (dance/electronic/new age) at a relatively young age (under 30).

People who regularly listen to their music loud (110 dB+) or people who use earphones long hours (3+ hours a day) should keep their volume in check for the long term well-being.
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