Display recommendations for NEW UT30D


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
Hi Team,

I recently purchased Panasonic UT30D. Requesting you guys to please input your recommendations and suggestions for the below queries.

1. How to check the usage hours on this particular model (dealer told its a fresh piece, but I want to make sure)

2. What is plasma burn-in ?. And how to avoid it.

3. I found burn-in slides online. Is that of any use?

4. Which is the best display setting for the TV until it gets stabilized?

5. I plan to get a stabilizer for the TV. Dealer suggested V-GUARD Crystal Plus. --- Is this a good one?

6. I have a 500VA UPS. Can i use it for the plasma?

Congrats on your buy!

Download the slides at the following website: Evangelos Angelides - Downloads

Run them in slideshow mode in your plasma TV, in case of any dead pixel or Image retention you'll be able to spot immediately.

To avoid burn in, try watching the picture at lower contrast & brightness setting [30%] for the first 100-150 hrs, run the 'scroll bar' in case you watch DTH with static logo and keep the 'pixel orbiter' to ON/Auto. Avoid displaying static images for long time during this period.

I'm using V-guard crystal plus, which gives a constant output of 215V [p-n], which is enough for a TV. Also it comes with a spike protection [which I never saw in operation till now :)]

If your TV is a 50 inch model, then a 500VA UPS may not withstand the starting current, but should run in TV operation mode, which draws lesser current.

For checking for a demo piece, follow the instructions given here: http://www.hifivision.com/television/6512-checklist-avoid-buying-demo-piece-lcd-plasma-tv-11.html
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^^^^ very true..I want to add..dont use ur 500va ups if its a normal compuetr ups as they are for computer only..they can damage normal electrnic devices as they do not send pure sine wave output..however pure sine wave ups are avilable but are expensive....or a v guard with a belkin combo is very good.
Thanks Sandeep/prosenjit for the suggestions,

Iam watching the TV in zoom mode so that black borders which all the programs have doesnt get burned in. --- Is that ok or should i watch the programs in 16:9 mode.

Again how many hours the TV should be run in low contrast and brightness to avoid burn-in

I have checked with couple of dealers for V-guard Crystal Plus stabilizer -- quote is around 2.7-2.9k. Again whether crystal Plus is sufficient of my TV or should I go for DIGI 100(but none of the dealers have digi 100 in stock)

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