I was told at Croma that the min transaction on a card is 60k and will get cash-back of 6k at 10% and you can use two cards for total 12k, even if it is from the same bank and registered in the name of a family member at the same address.
However, as you say, they are not giving the discount and will get the sale while we wait for the cash-back. If someone has already got the cash-back for an old purchase, then do share your experience.
As for the hidden costs on zero-int EMI, GST at 18% will be charged on the interest that is waived off. You can see the calculated interest on any dummy order you place in your cart on Flipkart for a similar purchase value and estimate how much GST will fall on you. The bank and vendor seem to be doing some tie-up where the vendor pays the interest portion to the bank, maybe at a discounted amount. Otherwise there would be no GST if there was no interest being charged on anyone.
How is croma limit only 6k, shouldn't it be 9k viz what's written in LG website (written as "multi-brand stores") & what salesperson at Vijay sales told me. Only thing is he said 9k cashback on all cards while website mentions only 3 to 4 cards.
So the cost to us on "no cost emi" for a 1.5 lakh transaction would be approx 3.5k (150,000 x 13% interest x 18% Gst), right?