Do I need to Trash my surround/centre speaker package ?


New Member
Nov 7, 2007

Some good friends of mine, knowing that I am looking for a Home Theatre system, have gifted me the Onkyo SKS 4600 center/surround package. I was actually looking to buy a 5.1 speaker system (package or otherwise) in the range of 50 to 70K.

Now, question to you experts, how important is the center and surround speakers ? Can I get good Front book shelves(like B&W 685, or Quad 11L2, or Polk or Usher) in 30K range and add a good sub in 30K range and can still make a good speaker package ? Or do I just need to trash the SKS 4600 (and make my friends a bit unhappy) !!!!

Let us assume that I work with TX SR 606


Sudindra rest be assured that the speakers that you have is decent and will be good to do their duties in an home theater scenario !!

For the fronts i,e in the movie mode you need a tower to perform better then an stand-mount ! also various other details come into picture which are missing at the moment !

So please do elaborate about the room size,listening tastes,primary use of this set-up (like max movies min music or vice-versa) etc to get a proper response !

but if you are bent on the music and looking for a stand-mount,then without a doubt I'd recommend Quad 11L2 to all the others that you've mentioned ! if you stretch a bit then 12L2 is also a very good one !


Yes, you can do that and have a 7.1 right now. However, it is recommended that the center be from the same manufacturer to maintain the tonal balance. So you can replace the center on a later date.

On a related but slightly off-topic:

There was a great comparison of about 8 bookshelves in the price range that you have mentioned in the UK magazine: HiFi World Feb 2007. These speakers include amongst others the Acoustic Energy AELite 1, B&W 602, KEF iQ3, Monitor Audio RS1, Quad 11L2 and Usher S520.

The review gives the characteristics of each speaker in detail. Read the review to get more details for shortlisting what you listen. To summarize, the Quad and Usher were the only two 5-star performers, with the Usher beating the Quad marginally.

And for this reason, you can find the entire review at:
S-520 won the first prize among the 7 different branded bookshelf speakers in UK's professional stereo magazine, Hi-Fi World

Prasad Redkar.
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Some good friends of mine, knowing that I am looking for a Home Theatre system, have gifted me the Onkyo SKS 4600 center/surround package. I was actually looking to buy a 5.1 speaker system (package or otherwise) in the range of 50 to 70K.

Now, question to you experts, how important is the center and surround speakers ? Can I get good Front book shelves(like B&W 685, or Quad 11L2, or Polk or Usher) in 30K range and add a good sub in 30K range and can still make a good speaker package ? Or do I just need to trash the SKS 4600 (and make my friends a bit unhappy) !!!!

Let us assume that I work with TX SR 606



5.1 is a must for serious movie watching, center & surround speakers are very important, same is the case of sub woofer, i have the sub of monitor audio, it costed around 50,000/-. If one wants to go for 7.1, i think the room has to be real big.

Tower speakers for movies are more preferred, provided the room size is not small.

It is very important to take care of other factors like speaker placement, the sound reflection, absorbtion, etc.

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Thanks for your responses.
Here are the details some of you requested.

Rome size: 10x12 sq ft (hence looking at bookshelves)
Usage: 90% movies


Thanks for your responses.
Here are the details some of you requested.

Rome size: 10x12 sq ft (hence looking at bookshelves)
Usage: 90% movies


Indeed you are right, it has to be bookshelves, but 5.1. Sattilite also should be given a thought.

7.1 will be viable if your room size is around 50/60% more bigger, having said tht even the 5.1, may have some breathing problem, but it will be easily in a bear state, so nothing to worry.

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The front L & R with a subwoofer should you decide to go with Ushers all the way -
The S520 pair + S103 can easily be had for your budget and still leave you some room to get cables. First, listen to the choices that have been proposed - the Ushers and the Quads might be a good place to start..
For your room you wouldnt need a high power sub.
I do agree with Prasad that the center needs to match your F L&R, but this is also something you can add at a later date if you arent happy with the synergy or lack of

Onkyo has the SKF-4600 which are towers and seem from the same family as your center/rear speakers.

May be worth auditioning these as well, so you dont have to trash your center.

If you decide on another brand fronts, then make sure you take your center spkr along to check for tonal match.

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