Do you feel good when someone thanks you?

I really feel nice...
In fact once a member specially thanked me when on my "tip" he bought a crt from vijay sales...he called me too .....real happy a VFM guy I was happy that I helped someone to save money!!
Well hifivision is a great stress buster for me. The job I am involved in is very stressful mentally so whenever I feel that I need to relax a bit hifivision is the obvious destination for me. I was a person not verymuch interested in audio and listening to music. but after coming to this forum I really discovered that there is a very interesting world out there which offers lot of entertainment and there are also lot of things to learn. I really enjoy the unconditional passion people show here about audio, video equipment and the actual content that is played. I see lot of people here relentlessly answering questions from many people it kind of gives me a unnatural security that whatever I will ask somebody will takeout his precious time to answer back. This kind of unconditional knowledge sharing is amazing in todys world where everything is conditional. I must say I am very proud and also feel euphoric at times to be a part of this forum. Now coming back to the point yes I definitely feel good when somebody thanks me but I am really thankful to all the people who has provided their valuable inputs.
Everyone in here provides/takes input on their personal time. With so much investment from the folks here, it is definitely motivating if someone thanks me or I see someone being thanked.

So thanks to the thankers and thanked members..hmm I guess I need to sleep now
1. Yes definitely, tell me that someone appreciates the time i spent on it right.
2. No, but its one of the reason, when someone thanks it does motivate to help more.
I personally feel that the 'Thanks' system introduced here is better than the 'Reps' system in place at many forums in the internet.

Where the 'Reps' (Reputation) tend to reflect the power and presence of individuals in forums, the 'Thanks' here directly translate to how many posts of substance and helpfulness the individuals have made. That I guess makes the 'Thanks' feel closer to their heart than say a system of 'Reps'.

I also enjoy the ability to 'Thank' a poster multiple times without any mandatory gaps! After all if the post deserves credit, why try to deny it. To my knowledge I have not seen other forums dealing in 'Thanks' instead of 'Reps'. So, Kudos to Hifivision. But just curious - are there other forums out there using a similar form of member interaction method?
So, Kudos to Hifivision. But just curious - are there other forums out there using a similar form of member interaction method?

We are the best in the world !!!! :):)

I am also curious to know many lakhs of rupees we have been responsible for in terms of sale of recommended products and systems.

wharfedale, mission, marantz, nad, monitor audio, dali etc should be very thankful for their sale in India through recos on this forum. Of course, they have good quality and good pricing, otherwise no one would recommend them. Otherwise most people (like I was before joining the forum) doesn't know beyond sony, lg, samsung, bose. And if he saw some big stores than onkyo, JBL at max.

Let me take this opportunity to explain how much I've benefited from this forum.

I first heard about the budget king NAD from here when I did not know a single brand name of any modern audio product. Ended up a very happy buyer of the NAD 325. Then I avoided a mistake of purchasing a poor SQ dvdp for around 5K (discovered the marantz cd6002 on this forum which I happily own) , avoided the mistake of buying poor flimsy vibrating and rocking stools for speaker stands for 4K and tearing my hair out over months wondering how to improve SQ. Avoided spending 6 to 7K on computer speakers that I would have ended throwing in the dustbin after a few months of tortured dismay over SQ... Now I have realized my passion for single driver speaker sound and in the process of finalizing the purchase decision. Good thing I did not already spend 30K on two-way speakers which I would have hated in the long run.

Then I learnt a thing or two about speaker construction theory and its challenges - if for nothing but the knowledge, how ICs and room acoustics affect SQ, esoteric things like damping factor of amplifiers .. all because these associated words and phrases float pass my eyes periodically when I browse and I end up researching on the net to satisfy my curiosity. In the process this forum has been igniting the spark of ideas in my mind and creating a thirst for more knowledge in this field.

I just want to give a warm :signthankspin: to all of you for making this forum my virtual "living room" and "katta" as is known in Mumbai/Pune parlance. Like Venkatji, I too hit the forum everytime I am bored over the entire span of the day.

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wharfedale, mission, marantz, nad, monitor audio, dali etc should be very thankful for their sale in India through recos on this forum. Of course, they have good quality and good pricing, otherwise no one would recommend them. Otherwise most people (like I was before joining the forum) doesn't know beyond sony, lg, samsung, bose. And if he saw some big stores than onkyo, JBL at max.


+1 to that. I have come across so many well endowed :D (read rich) guys reaching a limit of Bose when mentioning high end audio equipment. I love the look in their faces when they hear my system or some others at demo rooms - equipment such as NAD, Wharf, CA etc.

BTW I would really love if the manufacturers actually understood the value of this forum - investing a lil of their resources for greater word of mouth publicity rather than print media or other media forms. This is particularly important for the hi-Fi audio industry where passion and guidance often drives a purchase.

In the future I would love if these manufacturers actually include some the members of this forum in sort of a "peer group" - who review new audio equipment - this gives a great platform for 'good' products that are introduced and would give them a solid platform for selling - much more useful than spending money on advertisements (they are necessary yes) and other marketing channels. O;)

Any takers people?
In the future I would love if these manufacturers actually include some the members of this forum in sort of a "peer group" - who review new audio equipment - this gives a great platform for 'good' products that are introduced and would give them a solid platform for selling - much more useful than spending money on advertisements (they are necessary yes) and other marketing channels. O;)

Any takers people?

We can all day dream, can't we? The point is that if, we as members, are true to our word, the manufacturers will not be able to manipulate us in terms of the reviews. Manufacturers will always be weary of people who do not expect anything from the transaction.

How many magazines have you seen that say 'avoid this product'? Take the case of AV Max. I have not seen them writing bad about any product. You have to be smart to read between the lines and see what they are actually saying. That magazine is worth the 75 odd bucks just to get an idea of the products that are available in the market. That is all.


What is the chance of manufacturers suing us for speaking out the truth?

with the new online laws coming in - this might just about happen in the near future:mad:. Take the case of Teambhp - skoda apparently send it and its members notice when it came about uncovering the malpractices usually in practice by some skoda dealerships (they took out equipment and parts worth over 2.5 lakhs and replaced it by spurious parts and skoda is suing the customer when he went to court - this case is going on for over a year now - his car lying in the skoda dealership for a yer - he paying EMI to the bak for that year) - we might come under the radar if we go on speaking th:indifferent14:e truth.

Like I care - or some of us i am sure:cool:
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