Dubai Deals

dude............. i will suggest you to pick up cd6003 over any thing-else my suggestion pick it up from Singapore rather than will save couple of will set you dearer by sgd350

Could you pls let me know the details of the shop in Singapore that sells Marantz CD6003 for SGD350?
could you please tell me the price of Oppo-80/83 in sg... could not find one...Also please post the secret shops which you shop for less price...

Looking to buy Oppo BD / LED TV above 40".


dude............. i will suggest you to pick up cd6003 over any thing-else my suggestion pick it up from Singapore rather than will save couple of will set you dearer by sgd350
Reddy, I dont have anyone at S'pore, so getting CD6003 at that price is ruled out.

dude............. i will suggest you to pick up cd6003 over any thing-else my suggestion pick it up from Singapore rather than will save couple of will set you dearer by sgd350
thekinge, No i have not. However I am using an Akai Cd player with it right now. It sounds better than the pio dvd, but not a huge difference. I guess one needs a stereo amp too for that.
I have auditioned marantz cdps with stereo amp set ups and they sound quite good.
Integrated amps or preamps do not have a DAC. The receive analog input signal.

Hi Gobble. I've heard of some amps whch have in-built DAC. Ex: Peach Tree Audio (Idecco or Nova Don't remember; May be Nova) I heard it has a fabulous DAC. Amp is not rock solid I guess.
thekinge, No i have not. However I am using an Akai Cd player with it right now. It sounds better than the pio dvd, but not a huge difference. I guess one needs a stereo amp too for that.
I have auditioned marantz cdps with stereo amp set ups and they sound quite good.

Thanks iaudio. I had also auditioned Marantz CD5003 / PM5003 with Diamond 10.1 and it indeed was fine. However, I was wondering how a Marantz CDP would go with Onkyo AVR.
Captain, I think what gobble meant was that majority of the integrated amps take only analog input, the peachtree nova is more of an exception which takes digital input and acts as a DAC+ Amp.
thekinge, finally got a denon dcd510ae, not on sale but for 860AED, tried for marantz 5003 and Nad, but unfortunately was out of stock, so picked up the denon as in any case will be adding a dac later. will post my impressions later, but straight out of the box, it sounds may be 10% better than playing flac through creative xfi .Need to wait to see how much better it can get.Right now enjoying the convenience of just inserting the CD and not having to worry about the laptop noise.
thekinge, finally got a denon dcd510ae, not on sale but for 860AED, tried for marantz 5003 and Nad, but unfortunately was out of stock, so picked up the denon as in any case will be adding a dac later. will post my impressions later, but straight out of the box, it sounds may be 10% better than playing flac through creative xfi .Need to wait to see how much better it can get.Right now enjoying the convenience of just inserting the CD and not having to worry about the laptop noise.

nice cooltoad! do post your impressions as i am also on the lookout for a decent cd player! What percentage was the price difference between Dubai & Chennai?
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