Ebay.in any deals?

it happened with me also, but it was rhythmhouse.
after the internet disruption I saw money deducted (from the bank A/C) but no payment made in rhythmhouse

I took a mini statement (obviously soft copy) and send it to both SBI and rhytmhouse. After 24 hours or so called rhythmhouse and asked them to cancel the order as it was pending, they did it and the bank A/C stopped showing the deduction

pls have patience, if needed call the bank guys also, am more than sure everything will be in place

BTW, billdesk acts as money transfer agent, one needs to register, didn't understand why it appeared in your case, can you just ask the ebay team?

do update....
Do not use third class SBI Debit card for online purchase.

Unfortunately I have only that third class SBI Debit card (actually 3 of them - 2 with netbanking and mobile banking activated). I don't think there is any problem in using debit cards with trusted online sellers. Actually in ebay.in majority are using sbi debit card.Anyway, now i have created a paypal account. Hope it works fine.:)
Need to contact credit card customer care at the number generally given on the credit card itself. Money wrongly debited through incomplete transaction is recredited in the respective account.
Off topic. Two days back i tried to buy a pen (Rs.462/-)from ebay.in using sbi debit card. I entered my secure code and pressed submit. A few seconds later the browser showed a cannot connect to message. When i checked the net connection, it has been disconnected at that precise time:mad:. Checked my account and the amount has been deducted but not reflected in paisapay:sad:. After establishing connection i tried again but paisapy showed a transaction failed message. I send an email to the customer care and they reported that there is no such transaction in paisapay. They suggested me to wait for 2 days and then report with transaction details like, bank, TID, billdesk number etc. if nothing happens by then. Now where can i get this billdesk number? I think i can get the other details by taking a mini statement from ATM. I haven't activated netbanking for this account as it is in trivandrum and one need to appear personally to apply for netbanking:cool:. Also i don't have my bank passbook to get the details printed:sad:. I think Rs. 462/- has been vanished into thin air (Luckily it's not a big amount:D). Now can anybody suggest from where i can get the billdesk number?

Got my money back after 7 days:D.
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