Hi FM's, I didn't intend to write this blog/review about my experience with Elac Debut Connex DCB41 for almost 2wks now, however were few enquires on the user experience feedback which triggered me, why not? hope this might help someone looking for these speakers within budget of 40k. Here you go!
Elac Debut Connex DCB41 speakers are perfect option for someone looking for clutter-free setup. These are bit on the Warm & neutral side speakers like any other Elac, however delivers really good bass when XBass option is turned ON. Its perfect when listening to music and you don't feel any fatigue on long listening sessions (not very bright on High Freq). Its performs really well while watching movies too and i never felt need for subwoofer. I would highly recommend anyone looking for compact & non-colored sound stage speaker. You will be amazed to hear these speakers deliver with such a small size/footprint.
The closest which i came across to these powered speakers are the Klipsch "The Fives". I did audition those at Cinebels, Miller road, Bangalore. They do have Jamo S801PM too, but IMO the Elac Debut Connex are lot better than Jamo and its almost close to Klipsch "The Fives". Klipsch has got more wider sound stage i guess it has to do with the Tractrix® horns setup on those. Those speakers will be good if you have slightly larger listening space. Elac Debut Connex is perfect for standard living rooms space in any apartment. All the other connectivity is exactly same in both the speakers, but there is huge price difference Klipsch is 1.09L and these are 39,999/- only. So it was no-brainer for me, just took a plunge & bought the Elac. I was very confident of the sound signature as i used Pioneer AJ-FS52 prior to this & i knew it would be on similar lines i.e warm not very harsh & well balanced neutral.
These speakers have HDMI ARC connectivity. As soon as you switch ON TV, these speaker will automatically wakeup and when you switch OFF the speakers, TV speakers are activated. Additionally if you switch OFF TV while watching via ELAC, these speakers will switch OFF too, so there are no issues with standard HDMI ARC functionality. Best past is you can control the volume using TV remote.
Another thing which i have observed, there is minimal difference in Sound Quality (SQ) in Stereo separation when you connect via Optical (might be it has to do with internal DAC) however you loose the volume control feature using TV remote. Hence I pref HDMI over optical. Bluetooth-aptx connectivity is seamless no issues there, the SQ is just perfect.
To conclude, I would strongly suggest these speakers to someone looking for Powered speakers within budget of 50K and with tons of connectivity options, Few other contenders in this category other an Jamo, Klipsch is the QA M20HD, which i never considered only because of speaker dimensions which didn't suit my TV unit. In all aspects its close to Klipsch, like we say "unees bees ka farak only in terms of SQ and not money"

Hope above review helps some of you considering Elac Debut Connex DCB41, happy listening