Enamelled wire for speaker cable


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2010
Third Rock
I remember mentioning that I will try out regular enameled wire as a speaker interconnect. I can't find where I posted that so I thought that maybe if the subject title mentioned enameled wire it will be easier to find it again !

Speaker manufacturers like Allison and others have used single core wires in their speakers . The speakers did sound good but I never experimented with it seriously.
Looking at the effect of skin depth , it appears that for full 100% area utilization to just beyond 20 Khz the wire should not be over 21 swg .

Resistance of a single pair of wires ( +/-) of 1 meter is 0.0664 ohms ( measured in series). I used 2 meters so it will be 0.1328 ohms. This will reduce the damping factor of the system to say , 3 ohms ( approx dc resistance of a 4 ohm speaker ) / 0.1328 = 22.6 ignoring contact resistance and amp output impedance.
This figure is acceptable but I'd rather double the figure. So I used a pair of 2 meter wires in parallel for each of the +ve and -ve lines.

The speaker was a Rogers GS-1 ( rather small bookshelf). Original wire was a standard Taiwanese 2.5 sq.mm OFC multi strand copper cable .

The difference. It basically cleans up the sound. Transients come across with a snap ! Looks like the sounds are more distinct. Need a proper test to define the differences. I did it at night for a short while . Better for you to try it out to hear the difference. It should be better on my larger speakers. However I don't have time to do a rigorous test for another 4 weeks or more. The last part of this year is jam packed with events which can't be shifted to a later date.

Hope others will try this and report back on their findings. My speakers are near the amp and so I didn't require more than 2 meters . For longer lengths one could use 4 wires in parallel for each line ( + and - ) .

I twisted together the two wires first and soldered the ends together. Then I twisted ( rather loosely ) the + and - wires together. The wire is a standard enameled wire used for winding transformers so it isn't even OFC. Better to use new wires to ensure that the enamel isn't damaged anywhere , causing a short between the + and - lines. You could use sleeving ( cotton ?) on the + and - lines to avoid this.

Wonder what finer wire with more parallel sections would sound like ! Could get worse at some point. One will have to braid them.
Inexpensive weekend fun ! :)
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Connected another set to make a stereo pair. It sounds great. I'm happy I tried it out before buying some 4 sq mm OFC cable. Saved a lot of moolas too. Will go towards more music ! ;)
However I will compare it with Mogami 3103 and Belden speaker cables eventually.
Given that twisting wires reduces inductance, given that for speaker cables low inductance is desirable, given that 24AWG strands will allow 100% area utilization and given that CAT5 cable consists of four 24AWG solid core twisted pairs - CAT5 cable should work well too.

Actually, 24AWG would still exhibit some skin effect at ~20kHz.

I see that the GS1 can be bi-wired so can you try and run the single strands for the HF and your regular speaker wire for the LF? In the past, when I ran single strands, I found that bass was taut but lost heft.

I should try running my regular speaker wire AND single strands in parallel to see if there is an audible diff.

Isn't enamelled wire also known as magnet wire? Or are they different? I have used 30awg magnet wire as interconnects. They sounded great at least my ears. Never tried them as speaker cable
Yes, enameled wire = magnet wire. And yes, I've heard that 30AWG is the "sweet spot" for IC's.

In the past, when I ran single strands, I found that bass was taut but lost heft.
I tried this again. Ran 2 single strands each for +ve and -ve and lost bass "heft". Highs seemed more pronounced BUT that probably seemed so because of the attenuation of some lows. YMMV.
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Isn't enamelled wire also known as magnet wire? Or are they different? I have used 30awg magnet wire as interconnects. They sounded great at least my ears. Never tried them as speaker cable

Any update on comparison between the speaker cables ie. manget wire vs mogami 3103 (or belden)

Was curious to know yesterday i had prepared yesterday a RCA interconnect (not speaker cable) via enamelled wire and the initial impression was a happy one. Few days back I was just about to shortlist the rca mogami 2803 but after doing the enamelled version have put on hold for time being. I still have to have more listening tests which I will be doing today and in coming days. So was curious about your views on the comparison (of the speaker cables).
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.