I certainly take pains to differentiate. As 'Decibel', I only create or reply to threads in the dealership forum. Though I have seen many opportunities here people are looking for products or services that we have, I have not made any post. If at all I have done anything, it has been through PMs. The reason I posted the explanation was simply to clarify on the question of not showing prices in some of my threads.
I have re-posted the explanation in the Dealers forum.
As 'VenkatCR', I am again extra careful to keep away from controversies. My attempt would be to create or impart knowledge on technologies, new products, etc. No arguments, no heated discussions. If someone disagrees, it is, after all, their prerogative.
The reason I am posting here as Decibel is because I created this thread as a Mod. For some strange reason, the software does not allow me to post anything here as VenkatCR. I have no option but to post as Decibel.