Exposure 1010 or 2010 amp for Sonodyne 2605V2

Ok Guys...did the same test with Arcam avr...results more or less same...retiring the sonodyne speakers...here's a pic with the Arcam setup along with oppo 93 player...as most forum members suggested, the dyns look and sound better when stand mounted...unfortunately the svs sub has stopped working...is there a way of getting it serviced in Mumbai? But at this time may not require the sub as the speakers are doing a pretty decent job:clapping:


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Ok Guys...did the same test with Arcam avr...results more or less same...retiring the sonodyne speakers...here's a pic with the Arcam setup along with oppo 93 player...as most forum members suggested, the dyns look and sound better when stand mounted...u

Looks like you found a deadly combo :) I think you are comparing a floor stander which costs 1/4th of BS speaker....Sonus range is entrant to hi-fi, while Dyn is higher end of the speaker range... :ohyeah:

An ideal comparison would be Sonodyne Active speakers SRP /SRA range price wise....
Elangoas, mpw - you guys are right..agree it's not a fair comparison...just that didn't expect this huge a difference...still think a 4ohms speaker somehow creates a bigger impact that 8 ohms if driven by right amplifier...I know such a generalization can invite lot of flak :)
a 4 ohm will draw more current and needs a high current amp.

having said that detailing can be produced by 8 ohm speakers as well if partnered well.

the notion of 4 ohm or 8 ohm is notional :-))

a speaker can go to a lower ohmic value ( than stated ) in the lower notes .. a well designed speaker presents a constant load - like dynaudios for example

when the load varies ( due to a poor design - maybe cost reasons ).. an amp neeeds more power to match the variation else it will get put off.

The roksan is a good amp you have there with the focus 140 ( i remember you mentioning the roksan )

enjoi !!

you can do an interesting experiment - shift your dynaudio 2/7 to the fronts and see the difference..the DM series are a step lower than the focus.

try it at leisure.. just for kicks..

Elangoas, mpw - you guys are right..agree it's not a fair comparison...just that didn't expect this huge a difference...still think a 4ohms speaker somehow creates a bigger impact that 8 ohms if driven by right amplifier...I know such a generalization can invite lot of flak :)

I am also generalising..but i have found that 4ohm speakers are good in soundstage and depth though they require higher current amps...examples are..
higher models of B&W, Dynaudios,PSB Synchrony etc..etc...

In my view if you want to keep the speakers for another 10-15 years and dont want upgrade in near future, then should go for the mentioned speakers..
Dynaudios are good selection by you..stick to them..and follow your instinct (4ohm)...all the best
I am also generalising..but i have found that 4ohm speakers are good in soundstage and depth though they require higher current amps...examples are..
higher models of B&W, Dynaudios,PSB Synchrony etc..etc...

that generalization is wrong and will be disproved once you experience a well setup system with 8 ohm speakers as well.

good sound does not solely depend on speaker impedance.

it is the stability of the impedance that matters and not the impedance per- se itself.

that generalization is wrong and will be disproved once you experience a well setup system with 8 ohm speakers as well.

good sound does not solely depend on speaker impedance.

it is the stability of the impedance that matters and not the impedance per- se itself.


You are taking my generalisation in wrong context..
I said it is my opinion and it is not a fact..i said I found 4ohm speakers better..as per my experience...and who said 8ohm speakers are Bad..i have given 3 names of the speaker only...
Have I said that 8ohm speakers sound bad?..
only thing that mine and OP's observation matched in this respect..so i just gave a similar notion to his thought thats all..
The 4 ohm vs 8 ohm generalisation is way too broad. There are some pretty awful 4 ohm speakers as well (particularly in car audio), and some excellent ones. The same holds true among 8 ohm speakers.

i said I found 4ohm speakers better..

hi dheerajin,

in common parlance.. the word "better" is used in a comparative context. That automatically begs the question... better than what ??

i only said generalizations are wrong.

thats all :)

best regards
hi dheerajin,

in common parlance.. the word "better" is used in a comparative context. That automatically begs the question... better than what ??

i only said generalizations are wrong.

thats all :)

best regards

Better means--to my ears....not to a measuring instruments..:)
and opinion is personal--again to my ears..
Better means--to my ears....not to a measuring instruments..:)
and opinion is personal--again to my ears..

the ear is a measuring instrument :lol:

am happy for you with your personal ear measurement but that may not hold true for all ears :)

there are many threads here for the 4 ohm vs 8 ohm topic so maybe you may like to describe your experiences in those.

the ear is a measuring instrument :lol:

am happy for you with your personal ear measurement but that may not hold true for all ears :)

there are many threads here for the 4 ohm vs 8 ohm topic so maybe you may like to describe your experiences in those.


You are again taking me wrong..may be my english is not good..

I am saying my ears are not measuring instruments..and you are saying opposit..
what you want to prove by this discussion..
I have already said that..this is my personal opinion..which is not fact..
and by this discussion we are taking this OT..

I was just supporting OP's thought not sharing my experience and you jumped in between to give this thread a different picture..so please stop commenting on my posts..
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Guys chill...I think it's one's repetitive experience which leads to an opinion that one is better than other ...though it necessarily need not to be supported by technical facts...one very wild possibility is that most 4 ohms speakers are run by much more powerful amplifiers and hence the output varies...so maybe we are hearing the difference in amps than speakers per se...one way to validate this would be take a powerful amp and test it on 4 ohms speaker assuming it sounds really nice...then check the impact on a set of comparable 8ohm speaker...though even that's not full proof as some might argue that's becoz of speaker-amp synergy...but then there is nothing full proof atleast in audio...hence the quest continues :)
Ok ..the day i want to end with happy note..VSG..

Today I got delivery of YAMAHA A-S2000 amplifier for my 4 Ohm speakers and it has phono preamp too, so first time in my life, played TT which was supplied by FM Shafiq and the magic created by this TT on my family was immense.
Luckily I got three prospective buyer for my old amplifier and family is not willing to part with it(NAD)..seriously NAD is family amplifier:)

Anyway Yamaha has changed the scene with its high current capability and dynamic transient response...again I am falling in love with my 4 Ohm speakers..

but seriously with 8 Ohm speakers you dont have to do this much exercise .

Its like...I find whiskey better than RUM and for someone it is vice versa..and since chemical formula for alcohol is same- C2H5OH.. so two friends were fighting for the same spirit..with non arguable topic..it is just a personal taste..

Life is too short for arguments like this...so keep enjoying music..


the as2000 is a good amp and quite powerful.. njoi !!

do start a new thread on it and post pics.

back to the focus 140 and the kandies !!

In terms of amplification would you rate Roksan Kandy K2 better than Arcam AVR 600 ?....both at 120 watts@8 ohms...Arcam in some reviews was considered one of the most musical AVR's more so for two channel music which brings it to a direct comparison with a stereo amp...I thought Roksan was a tad warmer and bit more detailed compared to Arcam in 2 channel music...would love to hear some views incase someone has heard both..
How you can compare kandy with any AVR?..wattage is mileading term and it should be quoted as continuous ...kandy is better than the arcam AVR mwntioned anyday..
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