Finally the speakers


Active Member
Nov 12, 2010

I am exploring the confusing world of speakers and it seems to me that the full range speaker is the one for me, given that execution of all speaker technology concepts have tradeoffs.

A brief about the background won't come amiss here, to give forum members the context to advise me in the correct context.

1. The source : Analogue, a belt driven suspended turntable with a 12 inch tangential tracking pick up arm and an MC low output cartridge
[ This has been more or less decided]

2. The electronics : An all valve, SET, Class A operation set up comprising a phonostage, a line pre-amplifier and a power amplifier, preferably with their independent power supplies

[ This is being explored, with the possibility of a line pre-amp with an integrated phonostage; brands being surveyed include Fi and NAT]

3. The speakers : Given my preference for a single driver unit (w or w/o a whizzer) I am considering the following brands-models :

i. Rethm - Trishna
ii. Lowther - Fidelio/Academy
iii. zu - Soul Super Fly, Essence & Definition Mk3
iv. Omega

I have removed brands such as Cain & Cain ( the founder is alas no more) and Analysis ( planar diaphragms & Bombay might not jell)

Now, given that an audition is the only approach to listening to the speaker sound, and that too an imperfect one (since one can't isolate the speaker or the component under the lens from the complete system), I am wondering as to whether I can audition any of these fine systems in Bombay.

Any forum members willing to help me, please reply/PM!

If an audition isn't possible in Bombay, I will try to travel as I feel that investing in a good system justifies such activity, especially as this might well be my only shot at a good system and I am willing to live with this for a long long, really long time.

I will be interested to know if there are other ( single driver, no crossover) speakers which bond well with an all valve set up.

[I read the thread by sidvee on his Harbeth HL5 acquisition and have been impressed, but I am not sure if it fulfils my requirements, or falls out of my putative budget!]

Lastly my listening preferences in no particular order :

> Hindustani Classical vocal & instrumental
> Western classical ( non opera; mostly symphonies, concertos; from Bach and Haydn to Stravinsly & Schonberg)
> Jazz
> Hindi film music of the 50s-60s
> Rabindrasangeet

Further, as a denizen of cramped Bombay, my listening room ( actually a much modest room to be called a listening room:)) will be about 130 to 180 square feet, with a ceiling height of 11 feet. I don't think I will get more than 8 -10 feet from the speakers to my listening seat.

Any inputs on valves will help greatly too - as I am still exploring # 2 and 3.

Regards, groove safe
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check out Prem's set up. he listens to the same kind of stuff that you listen to and it is optimised that way.

i think you will save a lot of time and trouble with one visit to his place in bandra!


My visit to prem's is on, as much to listen to the 938 as to listen to the Rethm Sadhana sound. The visit, with luck will happen this weekend/Sunday.

prem asked me to check out Rethm and Omega. Don Garber had talked initially of
Voxativ, Avantgarde, Harbeth and Cain & Cain. I told him that I couldn;t consider the Voxativ because of its cost and he then got back to me to suggest that he'd been impressed with the Trishna ( sub $ 5k he called it) at the NY dealers'.

Someone had suggested the Analysis planar; prem thinks they'll be a challenge in Bombay's moist and warm weather.


2. The electronics : An all valve, SET, Class A operation set up comprising a phonostage, a line pre-amplifier and a power amplifier, preferably with their independent power supplies

[ This is being explored, with the possibility of a line pre-amp with an integrated phonostage; brands being surveyed include Fi and NAT]

3. The speakers : Given my preference for a single driver unit (w or w/o a whizzer) I am considering the following brands-models :

i. Rethm - Trishna
ii. Lowther - Fidelio/Academy
iii. zu - Soul Super Fly, Essence & Definition Mk3
iv. Omega

I have removed brands such as Cain & Cain ( the founder is alas no more) and Analysis ( planar diaphragms & Bombay might not jell)

Since you have kinda decided on an all-tube electronics, here's something you can chew on from China, as reviewed by the redoubtable and "critic of audio critics" Arthur Salvatore who has awarded it a Class B phono component. This is a tube, line level amp which also includes MM and MC phono stages. So it's two birds with one stone, for a modest outlay of $ 1238, plus $ 267 for shipping, plus $ 109 for insurance (total $ 1613 + customs and clearing). This Hong Kong seller has stock. The cost is supposed to be worth the phono stage itself.

To the speakers list, please add the larger Saadhana. But as per a post long ago by Prem, it needs at least 4-5 feet from the front wall. And why not something from Audire?
For the Saadhana's, Prem's pretty much perfect with all major and minor tweaks optimised along with the electronics and cabling


Thank you for that input and that link ( remember having read there avidly when I was out searching for my turntable). I will prefer to check out Class A operation first. By the way I do have Audion's product list but it somehow slipped from my horizon ( these must cost a bomb).

I'll check out Audire too.

Regards, groove safe

2. The electronics : An all valve, SET, Class A operation set up comprising a phonostage, a line pre-amplifier and a power amplifier, preferably with their independent power supplies

[ This is being explored, with the possibility of a line pre-amp with an integrated phonostage; brands being surveyed include Fi and NAT]

[I read the thread by sidvee on his Harbeth HL5 acquisition and have been impressed, but I am not sure if it fulfils my requirements, or falls out of my putative budget!]

Any inputs on valves will help greatly too - as I am still exploring # 2 and 3.

Regards, groove safe

issigonis - #2 and the Harbeth SHL5 will not gel well at all. They need at least 50-60 watts IMO to sing. So if you are going with a SET powered set up you can safely strike out the SHL5 (unless of-course you consider the option of SET amps that put out 50 watts of power).
Regarding SET amps - do consider Quicksilver audio - they make a nice SET monoblock, albeit low powered, and another sleeper option IMO is Antique sound labs of HK. They make a superb 50 watt SET for about US $4750. Both of these will ship to India.
issigonis - #2 and the Harbeth SHL5 will not gel well at all. They need at least 50-60 watts IMO to sing. So if you are going with a SET powered set up you can safely strike out the SHL5 (unless of-course you consider the option of SET amps that put out 50 watts of power).
Regarding SET amps - do consider Quicksilver audio - they make a nice SET monoblock, albeit low powered, and another sleeper option IMO is Antique sound labs of HK. They make a superb 50 watt SET for about US $4750. Both of these will ship to India.



Thank you for your insight.
Have to check the input power requirements with all the speakerwallahs considered in my opening post in this thread.Will check out Quicksilver too.

Valve-SET : i. Fi, ii. NAT Audio, iii. Quicksilver
Speakers : i. zu - Soul Super Fly, Essence; ii. Lowther - Academy, iii. Rethm - Trishna

Regards,groove safe
Our forum member Jaibir is selling his Audire IO2 single driver speakers. It would be a good option for your kind of music. Moreover, at the price he selling, they would be a bargain IMO.


Thank you - Jaibir has already invited me for an audition:). I have to fix a day which is convenient to both of us. Am visiting prem this week.

Regards, groove safe

Valve-SET : i. Fi, ii. NAT Audio, iii. Quicksilver
Speakers : i. zu - Soul Super Fly, Essence; ii. Lowther - Academy, iii. Rethm - Trishna

You should listen to the Lyrita 2A3 SET amp with the 45 tubes.The 45's should work with the speakers you have listed.

You are welcome to listen to my system with the 45 tubes.

The Rethms need 10 watts. With Soul Superfly and Lowther Academy, 2A3/45 amp is fine.
Hi issigonis,

If you are so inclined, you're welcome to come and audition the Lyrita SET amps and single driver speaker systems.

A short trip to Delhi will be called for!


Rethm - Trishna
ii. Lowther - Fidelio/Academy
iii. zu - Soul Super Fly, Essence & Definition Mk3
iv. Omega

For speakers you could also look at the Altec reproductions from GPA.

Great Plains Audio's Two-Way Loudspeakers

GPA makes an Alnico version also of the Duplex speakers.

SET and Altec equals music.

You can listen to the Altecs if you drop by .

Hi Rajiv

You buy the drivers from GPA and then mount them in a box? Is that how it works? Or do they offer ready made solutions?
You buy the drivers from GPA and then mount them in a box? Is that how it works? Or do they offer ready made solutions?


Prem, to the best of my knowledge GPA does not provide ready made solutions.You buy the drivers from GPA and make the cabinets according to your requirements.

There are several Altec designs as well as designs from Altec users on the net,including crossover designs.The Altecs need big cabinets to sound their best 6 cu ft is minimum.

An example of a custom cabinet.

Billforts Audio Obsession


Update :

I understand the choice of my electronics will guide my options on the speakers.

Electronics brands & components shortlisted are as follows :

A. Phonostage (PS3 MM/MC from Icon Audio)
B. Line pre-amp ( LA4 MkII from Icon Audio; Evolution and 2b, two models respectively, combined phono & line pre-amp from Fi)
C. Power amp (MB90MkII from Icon Audio; 2A3 from Fi)

Sophia Electric do not supply in India.
Have not checked Leben yet.
NAT seems way too expensive.
Have requested for information from Trafomatic Audio.

Coming to the speakers, the shortlisted brands are :

1. zu ( Soul Super Fly)

They claim that all their speakers are 'valve friendly', with the Soul Super Fly requiring an impedance of 16 ? and power rating of around 5 W. Essence's impedance requirement drops down to 12 ? with the power rating the same.

Will Essence be a better option given my room size, listening tastes?

2. Omega ( Super 6 Alnico XRS & Super 8 Alnico XRS)

Both require 8? and just 2 W

3. Rethm ( will audition the Sadhana soon; not much info available on the site)
Interested in the Trishna due to budget considerations, though.

Hi issigonis,

If you are so inclined, you're welcome to come and audition the Lyrita SET amps and single driver speaker systems.

A short trip to Delhi will be called for!



Unfortunately, I can't make it anywhere outside of Bombay-Poona at this moment. However, please let me know if your phonostage, line pre-amp and the power amp will be compatible with zu's Soul Super Fly ( 16?/5W) and with Omega's Super 6 Alnico XRS & Super 8 Alnico XRS ( both 8?/2W).

I'll explore ways of travelling to Delhi, if I can. This might happen earliest in September.

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For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!