Finally the speakers


For speakers you could also look at the Altec reproductions from GPA.

Great Plains Audio's Two-Way Loudspeakers

GPA makes an Alnico version also of the Duplex speakers.

SET and Altec equals music.

You can listen to the Altecs if you drop by .




Thank you for the info and the invite:).
Unfortunately I won't be able to move out of Bombay for the next two odd months.

However I will check out the Altecs ( hope they turn out to be single driver units - I must be dreaming; you mentioned them to be two way systems).

By the way Cain & Cain are now at Lovecraft Designs. For simple speakers, they seem to be good. And not too expensive. Do not know if they'll supply here.

Hello issigonis,

Compatibility between the high sensitivity speakers you mentioned and the Lyrita amps is no issue. They will definitely play well together.

Your dilemna, as I see it, is different. Whether the sound played through these systems is totally to your liking, is the issue. Only you can tell. Whatever the pedigree of the components you select, how they make music together is what matters. How do you compare and contrast each of these system configurations? Human memory in these matters is rather fickle - it is difficult to transport over various systems in different locations. You actually have to live with a music system to get its true worth.

I suggest you lay stress on systems rather than individual components.

Hello issigonis,

Compatibility between the high sensitivity speakers you mentioned and the Lyrita amps is no issue. They will definitely play well together.

Your dilemna, as I see it, is different. Whether the sound played through these systems is totally to your liking, is the issue. Only you can tell. Whatever the pedigree of the components you select, how they make music together is what matters. How do you compare and contrast each of these system configurations? Human memory in these matters is rather fickle - it is difficult to transport over various systems in different locations. You actually have to live with a music system to get its true worth.

I suggest you lay stress on systems rather than individual components.



My understanding is as follows :

There are three 'systems' in my proposed hifi set up -

1. the analogue source comprising the 'components' : i. turntable, ii.pickup arm and iii. the cartridge

2. electronics comprising the components : i. phonostage, ii. line pre-amp, and
iii. the power amp, all with their separate power supplies

3. speakers

4. cables

I've finalised #1. I am trying to select # 2 and 3 by trying to eliminate systems which are incompatible.

This entails the following activities :

a. checking the compatibility between the cartridge and the phonostage ( I was told that a step up transformer is required for a Lyra MC cartridge even if the phono has one). Update : a phono which can handle both MM and MC won't require a step up transformer

b. my turntable will be a suspended, but well damped system. Will a full range/single driver, crossover-less speaker not be well matched with my well damped turntable?

I guess this might not be valid for all full range/single driver, crossover-less speaker brands, but confirmation is awaited, either way. All full range/single driver crossover-less speakers makers that I've contacted have said that they are fine fine with a SET, pure Class A, system #2.

c. All the reviews of the turntable have not been done with my type of systems #2 and 3. I am expecting that my overall outfit hangs well together ( plays music as it was recorded!)

Hence my concerns.

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Sorry to put a damper on your research, but all the specification matching between components, and reading other people's reviews, is not going to tell how you are going to like music being played through those systems. Only your own ears can.

And, by systems I mean the whole chain of reproduction - source, amplifier, and speaker, and ultimately the room.


Sorry to put a damper on your research, but all the specification matching between components, and reading other people's reviews, is not going to tell how you are going to like music being played through those systems. Only your own ears can.

And, by systems I mean the whole chain of reproduction - source, amplifier, and speaker, and ultimately the room.

Issigonis,I have to agree with Viren. You can never tell how a system is going to work as a whole even if all the components are "technically "matched,and the best in their class.

From your posts on other forums I gather that the Turntable you have decided on is the SME 20/12 with a Lyra Titan cartridge.

Vinyl Asylum

SET Asylum

The SME costs around $28,000.The Lyra around $6000,your budget for electronics is around $7500(your post on the set asylum),speakers around $4000.

You are looking at spending around $45,000 on a music system ,my suggestion is to use part of that amount and travel and listen to as many systems as possible and then decide.

You are looking at spending around $45,000 on a music system ,my suggestion is to use part of that amount and travel and listen to as many systems as possible and then decide.


That's a lot of coin:)

And +1 to viren's suggestion.

Sorry to put a damper on your research, but all the specification matching between components, and reading other people's reviews, is not going to tell how you are going to like music being played through those systems. Only your own ears can.

And, by systems I mean the whole chain of reproduction - source, amplifier, and speaker, and ultimately the room.



Issigonis,I have to agree with Viren. You can never tell how a system is going to work as a whole even if all the components are "technically "matched,and the best in their class.

From your posts on other forums I gather that the Turntable you have decided on is the SME 20/12 with a Lyra Titan cartridge.

Vinyl Asylum

SET Asylum

The SME costs around $28,000.The Lyra around $6000,your budget for electronics is around $7500(your post on the set asylum),speakers around $4000.

You are looking at spending around $45,000 on a music system ,my suggestion is to use part of that amount and travel and listen to as many systems as possible and then decide.


That's a lot of coin:)

And +1 to viren's suggestion.


I understand and appreciate the incontestable advice that one has to hear and decide according to one's ear. However the practical difficulty is that one gets to hear very specific combos.

That implies choosing the very combo that you have liked in an audition, which may not always be possible.

Also, you may like /prefer one part of the system and then go ahead trying to see what systems are compatible with it or what has been played/matched with it. This is where I am presently.

I have chosen the analogue source and am trying to see what fits in re. the electronics and the speakers. The fact that I prefer some concepts ( all valve, SET, pure class A operation; full range driver speakers) is adding complexity and a challenge to the exploration.

The alternative - to replicate the system that I have auditioned - is not possible. There are trade-offs involved in every selection.

I will plan a trip to Delhi to listen to Mr. Bakhshi's SETs. Let me see how soon I can do so. ( Smart detective work Rajiv:thumbsup:)

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Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.