I listened few Vinyl setup at Bangalore though the clicks and pops may not be there but some amount of noise seems inevitable. Which is kind of annoying for me, thinking of mostly selling the setup instead.[emoji17][emoji17]
Look if you go Vinyl, some amount of clicks and pops you will have to live with. Apart from money, as I have realised at my expense, Vinyl and TTs demand your time. Cleaning records constantly, keeping them well, cleaning the stylus, etc., etc. But once you get used to this analog sound, its how music should be. Some of the members here have given you excellent suggestions like Onzow for stylus cleaner, et al. You could also buy a cheap record cleaner which I have and it is pretty good but demanding on your time https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0045ZEU52/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Here's the instructional video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaUKsA_yytA You could also get a pack of 20 or 50 of anti-static sleeves. These will preserve the records for longer and reduce the number of times you might have to clean the records. Stick in there and you will not regret it. You can always lapse back to the digital howl of the world anytime, but this is when you want to be a subtle and happy.