Free 8 DVD's

Very nice of you to give away free dvds vinay. Innovative and very fair process too. Looks like you have work cut out for yourself after all have given their choices.

Naming groups of 8 dvds like 1 to 8 Name 'A', 9 to 16 'B' would have made it easier for you.

I think as this progresses there will be multiple choices for same numbers so guys it would be better to check if numbers are available and give your choices, It would make things easier for vinay :)
Is it raining somewhere?:confused::confused:
I am just not able to understand why have you and Marsilians, not taken the offer of this gift? It saddens me.

Nothing to be saddened about, Vinay. Mars and I are just allowing others to have a chance. I am, in any case, building my own collection requesting friends from around the world to bring me movies (such as The Haunting) that are not available in India. I am sure Mars would have a similar reason.

BTW, 'taking a rain check' is an expression which means that I will take up your offer some other time, if the offer (or some other offer) exists. Sigh! It is so difficult to explain expressions you grew up with. It is like the Yank who told a Japanese, 'See you later'. The Jap immediately took his diary out and wanted to fix a date and time.

Hello Vinay,
just trying to give a suggestion to give it a super lotto like effect. In your excel spreadsheet against each movie name type the formula = rand(). which will pull out a random number from the uniform distribution between 0 to 1. Then you can sort movies according to these random numbers to get a really random arrangement. Once you finalize the sheet just copy everything and use paste special values. Otherwise the random numbers will change everytime. Just a suggestion.:D
A generous offer from a big-hearted member.

My choice of disc :

191, 69, 167, 213, 249, 171, 39, 96

thanks again.
baazee you have been bringing back to life some old dead threads! :ohyeah: Well one good that this offer has done is that people are posting in relevant threads and not just any thread. Only that your responses may be a bit too late to be any help of OP. I hope they are helpful :)
anm....... u r too clever !!
thanks to vinay, all people who have 190+ votes are crossing the 200 limit.

Darn .. if iam late, justt my luck.

anm....... u r too clever !!
thanks to vinay, all people who have 190+ votes are crossing the 200 limit.

Darn .. if iam late, justt my luck.


LOL! Bro at least post in threads with latest replies instead of digging up old threads.
anm and moserw....... you guys are so regular on the forum... u seem to read each and every post.
Vinay,do pls tell us when the quota gets exhausted...
There are more passengers who can board the aircraft, so you are booked on this "Free 8 DVD's" flight. Congratulations.


anm and moserw....... you guys are so regular on the forum... u seem to read each and every post.
Vinay,do pls tell us when the quota gets exhausted...
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anm and moserw....... you guys are so regular on the forum... u seem to read each and every post.
Vinay,do pls tell us when the quota gets exhausted...

Well you made it so welcome aboard!

@vinay - If you are maintaining an Excel or Word Document then now would be a good time to know if any two or more have chosen the same number and barring the first person the rest can select new numbers.
Cmsajith, the duplicate level is increasing, i hope the new takers of gift will be more alert by choosing correct numbers. Indeed the owner of serial numbers will be the one's who asked first.


It seems there are a lot of duplicate requests for the same number. Vinay how are you going to manage it? Is it by the first asked, first allotment? Anyways Thanks again..
Sri, indeed to straighten this duplicate issue is going to be a pain, i will go through it happily. The juggling factor is a good idea but i want to be transparent in this free give away therefore i proposed the way i want it.



Its going to be difficult for him with duplicate requests. I dont think he has to reveal that excel sheet to anyone here.:D He just wants to know the 25 members who wants the DVDs. I think he has to make the juggling himself and send it.

All the best to you vinay.

I appreciate that you like my innovative and fair process.

Indeed a lot of work has to be done before these DVDs are couriered.

The problem is if i do naming of group on lines you have suggested then members will not get assorted alphabetical movies, as my movies are stored alphabetically.

I agree that going forward there could be more problems with same serial numbers by some members, but then i will have to put in efforts to handle this.


Very nice of you to give away free dvds vinay. Innovative and very fair process too. Looks like you have work cut out for yourself after all have given their choices.

Naming groups of 8 dvds like 1 to 8 Name 'A', 9 to 16 'B' would have made it easier for you.

I think as this progresses there will be multiple choices for same numbers so guys it would be better to check if numbers are available and give your choices, It would make things easier for vinay :)
It seems to be a great idea, but i am not much familar with excel so i would not be able to set it.

Thank you very much.


Hello Vinay,
just trying to give a suggestion to give it a super lotto like effect. In your excel spreadsheet against each movie name type the formula = rand(). which will pull out a random number from the uniform distribution between 0 to 1. Then you can sort movies according to these random numbers to get a really random arrangement. Once you finalize the sheet just copy everything and use paste special values. Otherwise the random numbers will change everytime. Just a suggestion.:D
Moserw, once all the passengers have boarded it will be more easier to catch up with the passengers with duplicate boarding pass, at that time i will issue them a new boarding pass with a fresh seat number.

I hope i am right on this.



Well you made it so welcome aboard!

@vinay - If you are maintaining an Excel or Word Document then now would be a good time to know if any two or more have chosen the same number and barring the first person the rest can select new numbers.
Hi vinay,

You have a great heart no doubt. If you can able to sort out the duplicate requests issue yourself nothing like it. Godspeed to you.:clapping:

Can we take it, all who have booked their seats so far, duplicate or not, will get the DVD's?:)


Thank you very much for the compliment.

Indeed i will sort out the duplicate requests, i will give them the remaining serial numbers to choose from as i want to be transparent. All those who have asked for the DVDs will surely get 8 of them.


Hi vinay,

You have a great heart no doubt. If you can able to sort out the duplicate requests issue yourself nothing like it. Godspeed to you.:clapping:

Can we take it, all who have booked their seats so far, duplicate or not, will get the DVD's?:)

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