1. Simple answer again is no, it does not make a difference. 6-7 months back, we watched superman 3 in Pana 42 inch plasma one hd ready and other fhd. Both were playing bluray special edition, viewing distance was 11 ft. 0 difference between both.
Just bcos HD Ready downscales a picture to 720p doesnt mean it will be inferior, your viewing distance will ensure that you cannot spot the difference. It makes sense for someone who is gaming, bcos we are always at less that 6 feet not for someone viewing at 10+ feet.
Again, when we did a test on a Sony TV (dont remember the model), we found FHD was better in PQ than HDReady. we were stunned bcos it defied logic. Then after proper comparison we found the panel in the FHD was far better and the price difference btw the model was huge which made sense.
So again I will make it simple, at a similar price point, at a viewing distance of 10+ a 50 inch FHD and HDReady will not make a difference for movie or TV watching. Infact, HDReady is a better bet for regular cable, DTH, and DVD movie watching as it only upscales to 720p.
2. You dont have 4:3 HDReady models in India, at least I am not aware of
3. Even in US though they claim HD telecast, even today not many channels actually beam 1080. Its all a marketing gimmick. Its like Tata and BIg tv saying DVD pictures. ANyway thats a different story all together
Whatever you say is correct. Still I feel, that we must push for better, more sophisticated technology, if budget permits.
I am not just thinking in terms of a particular case with an unique set of requirements, but why should we limit ourselves to the quality of transmission available now?
People can use Full-HD to watch their digital photos, which are ordinarily available in FHD nowadays..................not to mention FHD home-videos created in the FHD Camcorders.