Actually I've read lots of conflicting opinions on the type of plinths for 301/401. As in all the aspects of so called 'audiophile' world this one is also a much debated topic and it's very difficult to come to a fixed conclusion. All of these ideas are well tested & used by some of the very well known names of audio industry. Still there is not a single idea that's accepted by all. Hence I've stopped thinking of mods. I generally look for a compromise between material/craftsmanship/expense, and settle for the best combination. The biggest drawback of all these modding/upgrading ideas is that the main reason of doing all these things is lost i.e. listening & enjoying Music takes the secondary place. So better to concentrate on music and modifications will take place on it's own time.
Dear Sir,
It has been accepted that ply is the most accepted material for plinth for garrard 301 and 401 or for any such Idler wheel . It is proven by many of our own Forum members and universally. I can vouch that such plinth modification can transform your listening pleasure to a higher level. Sorry, I cannot agree to your statement that listening and enjoying takes a back seat in thought of such modifications. I have so far modified several such players for myself and few other such players commercially . All of them swear by the transformation of even players like garrad Zero 100 !
Do tell me that you will allow me to visit one day and have a listen..
.. and I also need to pick your brain on where you find these, or persuade you to sell onehyeah:
Pray hard...........very hard :lol::lol::lol:
I am praying very hard
Await my PM..Anytime my friend, you are always welcome.......
But remember, I started praying first..I can already feel that.......sooner or later your prayer will definitely be answered....(if only it wouldn't have been a NM 401......)