Game chair for racing games.



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there are 2 options:
1. Make your own : you know how it looks like, it will be easy for a local ( but experienced ) auto upgrade shop to make you one. it will cost you 5 to 10 K

2. If you are hellbent on the gaming premade gaming chair. THis is the chair that logitech recommends. it looks great , has great reviews , costs a bomb ( well , all chairs do ), if you import one it will cost you 10K more including shipping and customs.
this is the official page , contact them , they will guide you

And if you do import one , post here, regarding the damages ! :)
Where can i get one in India? I need it for playing GT5.
I have a subwoofer stool you can sit on and play games. It gives good tactile effects like vibrations from car engine or explosions etc. It connects to the sound system via amplifier just like bass shakers or tactile transducers.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.