Finyl Vinyl
New Member
Apparently brass. But I would imagine that acrylic should be better. What thickness are you looking at. Perhaps I would also like to have one done
To digress and addressed to the gurus here to sate my curiosity :
It seems that direct drive provides greater torque and hence there is an immediacy to the music which is apparently lacking in belt drive tts. If that be so and if most audiophiles prefer the direct drive mechanism, why aren't tt makers introducing them? There are quite a few high end tts too, but with the possible exception of the Brinkmann, I don't see direct drive tts. Why?
Apparently brass. But I would imagine that acrylic should be better. What thickness are you looking at. Perhaps I would also like to have one done
Need em a bit longer. Might need to drill a bit also then, will see...