General Chit chat - say Hi!

My best wishes to you.

My best wishes and prayers are with you and your bride:)

Hi Jeeva,
I was wondering why I haven't seen you around much. Now I know! Congrats and God bless. :)

P.S: This message warrants a separate thread IMHO. :D

@Jeeva: Best Wishes to both of you :).

JeevaBharathi and BhanuPriya ... Blessings and very best wishes for a wonderful ceremony and a wonderful life together :)

Jeeva, Wishing you and your would be bride, All the best!
Ah, so now one more chair in that listening room eh?

Yes already, she added my musical world a more beautiful one.

Thanks for all your blessings spirovious, santhol2, grubyhalo, mnhegde, Thad E Ginathom, iaudio.


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Congratulations Jeeva. And may God bless you and Bhanupriya. Don't produce too many kids, Ok? We are running out of space here on earth.

Hi Jeeva,

Somehow I missed this thread! Best wishes to you and your would-be! May God bless you with all the wealth and happiness!

Last Post & a humble note of thanks.

Dear friends,
Just a quick note of thanks everyone to have contributed towards the learning & a few friends that i could make in the process. I shall be enjoying the selfless company of music & a few friends i made in the process. And yeah pardon me for having made silly grammatical errors time and again which you had to live through my posts :P

Those of you who would want to keep in contact can reach me at [B][email protected][/B]

And a heartfelt note of thanks to a few that i can vividly recall:
Dr. Sanjay Dhawan, Nandakumar, Kamal ji, Helium Flight, Viren Bakshi, Dinyaar, AE, Malvai, Venkatcr, Gvenu, AshishKesharwani, Suri bhai, Myriad, Dillihifi, Shaizada to have assisted me when i needed guidance/pointers.

Please dont PM me in here, but send a mail on gmail ([email protected]) instead for future correspondence.

RIC Mr. Venkat:
Kindly assist and obliterate the account/handle & related items and/or keep per forum rules & regulations. Tk you once again.


[B][email protected][/B]
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@ mnhegde / iaudio,
Just taking a break off the social sites and forums.
Pardon me of missing out on your names. Hugs!

@ mnhegde / iaudio,
Just taking a break off the social sites and forums.
Pardon me of missing out on your names. Hugs!

Sid, I understand the "Break" part, but don't completely stay away Yaar. Am noting down your email-Id, will mail soon.

All The Best, Brother.

Edit: You have got a mail.
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No issues, Sid. Will shoot a mail to you.
But you dont have to remove your account if you are just taking a break! Or is there more to it? We seem to have a plethora of dear members who seem to drifting away from the forum.
BTW, You ve got mail!
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Re: Last Post & a humble note of thanks.

RIC Mr. Venkat:
Kindly assist and obliterate the account/handle & related items and/or keep per forum rules & regulations.

Hi Sid,

It was pleasure talking to you sometime back. Too bad you took such a drastic decision. Well, what can I say? Feeling very sad to lose a friend.

All the best in life

Warm regards

I just told someone that by leaving i take my friends along. Had i stayed, i may have lost a few ..which is not what i wanted.

And please no discussions on what why and whats been happening, just discuss music and gears please :) thats what i was here for.

Over to the gmail!
Re: Last Post & a humble note of thanks.

Hi Sid,

It was pleasure talking to you sometime back. Too bad you took such a drastic decision. Well, what can I say? Feeling very sad to lose a friend.

All the best in life

Warm regards

Capt! am not letting go rather taking you HOME with me! ..always a friend big brother.

Am there on the gmail, whenver you come down to Delhi ..remember you have a friend!

Good Luck Sid, But it's all just part of life ain't it - Please do reconsider the decision. We've all been closely knit through this forum and it feels sad when someone says adieu.

Your posts will be missed - Do come back soon if this is just a mere intoxication period
Good luck to you brother. Enuf of philosophies just taking my bit of it easy for now.

will miss the WolksWagen throb that i was used to! :)

Sid Bhai, sad to see you leave. Request you to please reconsider your decision...Pleeeez!!

ps: Will email you from home, have no access to personal email at work.
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