Getting Receiver from Singapore worth?


Tell your friend to check if the dealer has more than one piece available *stocked* right there.

Then open the piece, demo it, confirm it is working and re-pack it else ask for the other piece in stock.

If something decides to malfunction 3 months later than bad luck you incur the cost of shipping to and fro.

I got my nad from SG still going strong :)

I didn't get it :sad:

The cost difference is 6K. Worth it if someone is coming from SG anyways ... :)

Else the airfare will exceed the price. Local dealers have cleverly priced products to make it just a little more affordable to buy from them as compared to flying down and back with the goods.

Somebody commented on the forum that Marantz products do not command the 40+% premium like other products in India. Guess he was wrong.

If you bargain you might get it :)

current diff against quoted price is 6800/- or something. See above

To clarify - the NAD 325 is quoted at 24K people buy it for 21K.

I got mine for 16K with 12% VAT. On tourist visa it would have been 13.5K to 14K.

Hence the estimate of 6K.

this 16k was the price in India??
I am confused what all you have? Marantz/ NAD and what more?

16K was the SG price without VAT refund. I got the NAD 325 for 530SGD and the day it was purchased the SGD was 27 INR. ofcourse I paid my Bro @30 ( 3 rupees tip for the trouble) :)

without VAT the price was 480SGD.

I picked the Marantz CDP from Dev at BassTreble since I didnt want to burden my Brother with too much luggage. Didnt check the CDP prices in SG as I had yet to decide on one.

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