Glo-Tone Boogie Factor 1626 Tube Preamp


Active Member
Jun 22, 2023
Gainesville, FL
I mentioned this preamp in the thread about Class D amps and a couple of people seemed interested so this thread will offer some details. What I'll do here is to present an updated version of a thread I posted elsewhere in 2020, when I built this.

Some background: I first got interested in tube gear about 20 years ago and started buying vintage tube amps. I soon realized that I would need to learn how to restore / repair them myself because qualified techs were hard to find and paying them would be too expensive. So I collected a lot of vintage tube amps, learned to repair them and set up a very basic shop. Eventually, I got into building some DIY projects, which remains my focus today.

This preamp was the result of a sporadic breadboarding process during which I tried several different types of tubes, at least 8 and maybe as many as 12. I didn't keep a record.

Most amps don't really need any gain. Most all modern sources (CD, DAC) have line level outputs which is, nominally, 2v. And amps typically have input sensitivities that are less than 2v, sometimes even less than 1v, which is the amount of input signal needed to drive them to full power output. So you don't need any gain added to that 2v signal by a preamp in order to get full power. I'm talking about line level preamps here, not phono preamps, which do require significant gain.

And, unless you have a flea power amp and very inefficient speakers you're not running the amp anywhere close to full power either. So whatever volume control method you use is attenuating (reducing) the signal.

A so-called "passive preamp", which is typically just a simple volume pot, works fine with modern line level sources. But many people find that a "passive preamp" sounds a bit dry and sterile in some systems. And some people just prefer a different sound. So, while gain is not needed, other characteristics of a tube preamp can have a positive influence. Warmth and increased dynamics are often mentioned.

There are also tube buffers which don't produce any gain, but most products sold as "buffers" are not, it's become a marketing term. They're actually preamps which have gain, and usually a significant amount of gain. That's true of almost all commercial preamps, they tend to have way too much gain. To get one with very low gain you pretty much have to build one yourself.

The most obvious practical problem created by a high gain preamp is that your system might play at the loudest volume you're comfortable with when the volume control is set very low - maybe as low as the 9:00 position or so. That can make it difficult to make fine adjustments to the sound level. The wider the usable range of the volume control the easier it is to make fine adjustments.
I built a passive preamp using a stepped attenuator and it sounds very clean and clear. But I also wanted an active preamp that would provide the option of a small amount of gain along with a bit of tube flavor.

So my focus was on tubes with an amplification factor (mu) under 10. If you don't need gain why start with a tube that has a lot of gain? You'll just end up shunting more of the signal to ground.

I like building with tubes that are somewhat obscure, as long as they are relatively inexpensive and available, at least in DIY quantities. That's one of the advantages of DIY, the tubes don't need to be currently produced or available in large quantities and obscurity generally means they are cheap. Of course, preamp tubes aren't typically run very hard either, so they can last for many years, even decades.

A few of the tubes I tried were quite nice, including the Russian 2P29L and the 6V7G.

But the one that stood out to me was the 1626, which is a transmitting triode with a mu of 5. This is not a tube that most people think of as a preamp tube.

If the number sounds familiar it's probably due to it's popularity as a power tube in the famous Darling amp designed by Bob Danielak. I've never heard a Darling but it was quite popular with the DIY crowd years ago. It got excellent reviews but, with only 3/4 of a watt per channel, its appeal was somewhat limited.

Lots of 1626s were produced during WWII so there seems to be a healthy NOS supply. All the ones I've seen are in JAN (Joint Army / Navy) military boxes and they can typically be found for $15.

I got turned on to the 1626 by Andy Evans, who lives in London and posts on a couple of forums. Over the course of many years, I read numerous posts about his various preamp experiments. Some of his posts include brief descriptions of the sonics of the many tubes he's tried, one of which was the 1626.

He's mostly into directly heated tubes which I was hesitant to get involved with at the time because I kept reading reports about hum and microphonics and the methods builders were using to deal with those issues were often complex and expensive.

I build low cost, "bang for the buck", low parts count stuff so I went in a different direction. Despite the fact that Andy uses other preamp tubes, his descriptions of the 1626 were always so enthusiastic that I had to check them out.

Since I'm not real good at describing how things sound, here's some of Andy's comments:

"My system is heavily optimized for chamber and orchestral music. Bass is very clear but not punchy in a way that hits your stomach. Midrange is delicate rather than robust, treble is even more delicate. So you don't get slam and it doesn't "move air". . . . Then one day I tried the 1626 - now, I really love this tube. It had by far the best bass and a real 'boogie factor' - sounded great on rock and jazz. This has the best tone yet on jazz instruments - double bass, piano, cymbals are all very realistic indeed."

"I can say that of all the preamps I've made the one with the biggest boogie factor was the 1626. Man, that was so funky you'd put on Jimmy Smith and it would just hit you in your dancing feet - you'd get up and boogie across the room!"

"I substituted the 26 DHT and the two sounds couldn't be more different - where the 1626 was robust, the 26 was delicate, where the 1626 had the bass, the 26 had the air and highs. I decided to go with the 26 but still regret the 1626. For classical music I'd go with the 26, but if I just listened to rock and jazz I might prefer the 1626. I found both to be better than the 6SN7, and the 6SN7 (or preferably something like the 6P5GT) better than the 9 pins."

"I made one line stage with a 1626. This wasn't the greatest for classical music - lacked the finesse of a DHT. But by God it had BOOGIE FACTOR to such a point, you'd be dancing along to CDs - I kid you not . . . you couldn't sit still. I really regretted taking it out of my system."

"I can think of a few tubes with more delicate treble, and this is the chief reason I turned to other tubes. But it does something very well - it's a meaty sound, and quite involving. Kind of draws you into the music . . . a really foot-tapping sound."

"Some tubes are good at some things and some at others. When I had 1626s in my line stage, drumkit, hammond organ and bass were to die for, and grand piano was very nice. General sound was beefy, forward and very swinging on jazz - real "boogie factor". . . . It's a Jimmy Smith/Ray Charles kind of tube. Now I have 26s in there, and there's a wonderful delicacy . . . but less boogie factor."

His descriptions of the 1626 sound seemed to mesh well with my listening preferences so, of course, I had to try it. Sure enough, it stood out.

I started using Glo-Tone as a 'brand' of sorts when I was working on a guitar amp project with a friend many years back. I call this preamp the Boogie Factor in Andy's honor and with his blessing.

Schematic and pics to follow . . .
First, I should say that I'm not a designer by any means. I'm more of a copy and paste builder. Nothing I do is even remotely state-of-the-art. My knowledge of theory is minimal and my technical expertise limited. I mostly like to try things that are "new to me" and to combine different design elements in ways that are sometimes somewhat unique. And I like using uncommon tubes.

This is just a simple, cheap, low parts count build. But it sounds really good and the Boogie Factor is definitely there.

Andy Evans never drew a schematic and, years ago, when someone asked he couldn't remember any details. I did come across some discussion about using the 1626 as a preamp tube. The basic operating points were taken from this schematic:

Basic 1626 Op Pts.png
I believe it was drawn by one of the designers at Bottlehead. Their preamp and amp kits have been sold for years and seem to have a loyal following. They never sold anything using the 1626, since it's not a tube that's in current production, but I figured the operating points would be close enough since they are, no doubt, smarter than I am.

Here's the Boogie Factor schematic:

BF Schematic for HFV.jpg

So, low cost, "bang for the buck", low parts count stuff, right? I think this qualifies.

The chassis is a bamboo kitchen drawer organizer, sold at big box stores like Wal Mart and Target here in the US. I like using recycled and repurposed materials.

BF Pic 1 for HFV.png

BF Pic 2 for HFV.png

BF Pic 3 for HFV.png

Whenever possible I try to use junkbox parts that I've collected over the years. In this case the power transformer (PT) came from a Sears Silvertone SE 6V6 mono receiver that was pulled from a console.

I wanted to use a tube rectifier and, since my scrounged PT doesn't have a 5v winding, a 6v rectifier was needed. Obviously, if you have a 5v winding you could use one of the common 5v rectifiers or even use SS rectification.

I'm using the 6CA4 / EZ81, which is indirectly heated, so it has a nice, slow, startup which is a feature I prefer. It's followed by a CLCRC filter with the last cap being a 45uf 500v Panasonic film cap. The (swinging) choke is a NOS Halldorson 20C52 (8 Hy) from some box of random parts I found somewhere along the way. The B+ is 202v.

Similar modern parts can be used of course. Someone else who built it used a common (at least in N. America) Hammond 369EX PT along with a 9H Hammond 156G Choke and a Hammond 166J12 12.6v filament transformer.

Because of the low current draw, other rectifiers, such as the 6X4 or 6X5 could be used but a larger first cap can be used with the 6CA4. On a side note, you might see some schematics that use these 6.3v rectifiers and heat them and other 6.3v tubes with the same heater winding. This can lead to serious issues, especially with early versions of the 6X4 and 6X5, so it's best to always run them on their own heater winding. Mishaps have been known to take out power transformers. There are no other 6.3v tubes here, so it's not an issue.

The 1626 is an octal with a 12.6v heater, so I added a 12v 3A filament transformer that I picked up some years ago down at Skycraft Surplus in Orlando.

Here's a link to the 1626 Data sheet:

I'm using battery grid bias on the 1626s using a single 9v Lithium battery. So it's a, non-adjustable, fixed bias design. I've used this before with a 27 in a SET I built. It's simple and it eliminates the need for the electrolytic bypass cap which would be used with a typical cathode bias scheme.

Battery bias can be implemented either on the cathode or the grid. On the cathode the battery positive goes to the tube and the negative to ground. When used on the cathode a rechargeable battery, typically NiMH, must be used with the small amount of current keeping the battery charged.

I've tried this before but, for me, it wasn't as practical because if the unit isn't used regularly, the battery's voltage drops and it must be removed and recharged. Otherwise, it works well as long as the battery can handle the amount of charging current. I've had no problem with preamp tubes but I tried it once with output tubes and the battery couldn't handle the higher current. Luckily, I checked it. The battery looked like it was about to explode!

So, after I got tired of pulling and recharging the battery in the SET amp, I switched to battery grid bias. In this scheme the negative is connected to the grid and positive to ground. Since this method doesn't draw any current (should be practically zero, unless the tube is drawing grid current), a non-rechargeable battery is used and its lifespan is, essentially, equal to its shelf life. In the case of a Lithium that should be approximately 9 or 10 years, although I'd suggest checking it periodically. An alkaline can also be used, they just have a little shorter shelf life.

When using the battery grid bias method shown in the schematic a single battery is used to bias both channels and DC blocking caps are used on the input. So you lose the electrolytic bypass cap that's typically used with a cathode bias scheme using a resistor. Both the DC blockers and the coupling caps I used are Panasonic films.

If you want to eliminate the DC blocking caps on the input there's another method that can be used but it requires one battery per channel. I'm using the second method to bias the input tubes of my most recent amp build, which is a so-called inverted SET or iSET. Perhaps I'll post info on it sometime, too. It uses 26s on the input. (Yeah, I got over my fear of using directly heated tubes) Here's a schematic showing that version of battery grid bias:

Bias Method 2.png
It works equally well. I heard no difference between them. I'm also using this method on my currently breadboarded amp project. (A direct coupled SET using all directly heated tubes . . . along with a few other quirks, of course ;)).

I'm using a pair of 100k mono PEC pots at the input and a stereo 100k stepped attenuator on the output.

The separate input pots allow me to set the balance for where I sit, which is not always centered between the speakers, and they're continuously adjustable. I often find stepped attenuators on the input to be either just a little too loud or a little too quiet. The one I'm using has 21 steps and is very affordable. Attenuators with more steps can be used but their prices are considerably higher. The stepped attenuator on the output acts as a master volume, so input settings don't have to be disturbed.

Based on some recent threads that I've been involved in I plan on trying a higher value cap (probably 4uf to 5.6uf) and a 10k stepped attenuator on the output. This should improve compatibility with amps that have very low input impedances.

When matching preamp and amp impedances the rule of thumb is for the output impedance of the preamp to be about 10% of the input impedance of the amp. Tube amps typically have an input impedance of around 100k so pretty much any preamp will work fine but SS and Class D can sometimes be as low as 10k.

I mostly use tube amps but I also have a big Yamaha SS power amp that I wanted to use this with. At some point I calculated the output impedance at ~1.39k and input impedance of the Yamaha is 20k so no issues there either. But since then I've picked up a few little Class D amps whose input impedance is unknown. It sounds fine with the Class D Aiyima A07 though, so I won't be modding the Boogie Factor anytime soon since I've got a couple of other projects in mind.

While I'm not convinced that lowering the output impedance of the Boogie Factor would be audible, from a purely technical standpoint it won't hurt to try to lower output impedance a bit. I'm not even sure how much it will change since it's the plate resistance of the tube that is the dominant factor in designs like this.

Most other tubes that are commonly used in preamps have much higher plate resistances. Some preamps just ignore this and seem to work OKish with Class D amps despite the impedance mismatch. Others deal with the issue by adding an additional triode, configured as a cathode follower, to lower the output impedance. That works but it adds complexity and also creates an issue with the tube's heater to cathode voltage limits, which must be dealt with.

The 1626's plate resistance is low enough that it's not necessary to add a cathode follower stage. So, if you use a low gain (mu) tube you don't end up dumping a lot of excessive gain to ground and if your low mu tube also has a low plate resistance you can forego the cathode follower stage and use a simpler design. That's the approach I prefer.

I really like these simple, low parts count, designs and the 1626 definitely brings the Boogie Factor to the party!


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