Good Sounding Regional Vinyl Pressings

These two records are the best example of good pressed vinyl. All the songs are mind blowing too. However, apart from the genres mentioned by FM bhaskarcan there is one which none of us has mentioned so far. This genre is called parody song . Though I am not a fan of this , I am writing about this as parody songs got released on vinyls. Can remember one such. Bhupen Hazarika's Ami ek jajabor was parodied as Ami soytaner Chor. Don't know whether parody songs are sung these days or not. It is good to think that we in Bengal have so many varieties of songs. Our music is never film oriented. We have basic songs and those have immense popularity. Almost all the leading vocalists and music directors created Bengali basic songs and those were released on vinyls on regular basis.
Rightly said Dada. The parody songs on vinyl was a popular genre in those days. Most of those parodies used to have some kind of social message in it.
And also there were version songs. Hindi songs sung in Bengali. Even the top grade artists like Shyamal Mitra, Talat Mahmood etc used to sing version songs.
Those genres have gone lost now.

Here I must mention the children’s songs recorded in stereo by Antara Mukherjee.These EP/SPs are an asset in any Bengali’s home- my son loves them to bits. Not to mention the attractive hand drawn cover art.
Are there any LPs of these songs ?
.......The cover of Reshmi churi is awesome.
Bengali record cover-art is a very very interesting subject of discussion by itself. Stalwarts like Poritosh Sen, O.C. Ganguly, Tilok Banerjee, Bimal Majumdar, Amar Paul etc have created mind blowing cover arts one after another.
It is such an enriched subject that an Art student from Rabindra Bharati University is writing her research paper on Bengali album cover-art.

Here I must mention the children’s songs recorded in stereo by Antara Mukherjee.These EP/SPs are an asset in any Bengali’s home- my son loves them to bits. Not to mention the attractive hand drawn cover art.
Are there any LPs of these songs ?
There's an LP with compilation of these songs.
Bengali record cover-art is a very very interesting subject of discussion by itself. Stalwarts like Poritosh Sen, O.C. Ganguly, Tilok Banerjee, Bimal Majumdar, Amar Paul etc have created mind blowing cover arts one after another.
It is such an enriched subject that an Art student from Rabindra Bharati University is writing her research paper on Bengali album cover-art.

Just an example of such a cover art :


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Another favorite LP. Superb recording and Kishore Kumar sounds heavenly

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Though it's a film LP, the hand drawn portraits by the Maestro himself is the highlight of the cover.
Also it's one of the best sounding Bengali film music LP. The inclusion of background scores gives it a special edge. Ray's background compositions are treat for any music lover.

"Durga Puja" or simply "Puja" remains to be the pivoting point for any Bengali life. The years are described as "Before Puja" and "After Puja" days. No Bengali can escape the effect of this Festival. As with everything in Bengali life, Durga Puja has also become the part of Bengali cultural celebration. Be it Art, Literature or Music.
Though we get a large amount of these literature and musics published every year during Puja time, they are not necessarily religious in nature(and mostly not). And over the years, it has become a strict practice for all the writers and artists to reserve their best works to be published during Puja. Thus we have genres which are called "Puja Literature" or "Puja Songs". HMV/EMI/GCI named them as "Sharad Arghya" or "Autumn Offerings", as the Puja is celebrated in the Autumn Season.
If one looks carefully, there used to be a small hand drawn logo HMV used to put on the record covers depicting them as Puja releases.

For easy reference, we can see that all the RD Burman, Asha Bhosle records posted above by Sourav are Puja releases. The cover of "Firey Elam"( has the logo on top right hand corner. The last Asha Bhosle LP cover reads "Puja Hits" ( which is a compilation of songs released during previous puja times.
Even the Kishore Kumar Bengali LP ( here, has compilation of 8 puja songs out of a total of 12 songs on the LP.
Rest other albums shared till now are Puja releases too besides maybe one that of Arati Mukherjee.

Thus we can see, how celebration of a festival hugely influenced basic, non-film Bengali Music.

Till date haven’t come across a single stereo bengali 12’’ 45 rpm that sounds less than amazing. The songs might not be everyone’s cup of tea depending on taste , but there is no denying the exemplary sonic qualities of these late seventies early eighties records from HMV Dum Dum stable. These qualities are - midrange clarity , instrument separation, natural and forward vocals ,airy treble.

It’s amusing that these records still sell for less than 400 , while extremely mediocre ,almost unlistenable RD Burman records- both musically and sonically - command five or six times the price from so-called vinyl lovers.

Thank you BhaskarcanJi for this nice topic and thread.
My one cent: Malayalam Modern Songs by none other than K.J.Jesudos/ K.J. Yesudas). His first STEREO LP , released in 1969. Very good recording with nice STEREO effects.
You should play it in an old style equipment like Garrard/Dual/Thorens or the likes, with good old speakers. The LP sounds so divine and very fresh.
In my listening experience, the black label first press heavy LP sounds much 'better and wider' than the Red-Label one.


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I have those "Mohiner Ghoraguli" EPs with me. But as they are not particularly "good sounding", I too skipped them. Later, on their comeback, Mohiner Ghoraguli re-recorded those songs on digital format and released them on cassettes. This time the sound have been great, but unfortunately no vinyl release.
I want to buy those EPs of mohiner you have extra pair?
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