Goodbye to vinyl

no I am not asking for free, but if that's an option I would certainly like to :lol:
Hi Anm

The complete vinyl rig was purchased from Jacob at J&B Sound in Mumbai. They are the Indian distributor for Goldenote products.

As far as new hindi vinyl goes, i am sorry i will not be able to help you out. It was a huge favor i had to take from the guys at the music companies. Many of them were directly sourced from the company. I did not even pay for them.
Hi Spirovious

Esoteric had priced the P70 D70 at $14000 because they wanted to make a mark in digital. P70 D70 was there entry into high end digital. They withdrew the P70 D70 very soon and replaced it with way more expensive gear. Today a rig of P70 D70 quality would cost upwards of $25000. I just read the review. Even in the review the reviewer preferred the Esoteric rig to his vinyl rig.
Hi Anm

None of my friends are into hifi save one or two. I do not know any hifi enthusiasts in Mumbai. I have been to Shantis place once and very recently i have struck a chord with Malvai. Outside of these two and a friend of mine, i have met no one who is into hifi.

Yes i do a lot of business with music companies and film producers but none of them are into hifi.

Even if you were willing to pay for the new lps, i would not be able to get them for you. Quite a few of them were actually pulled out from the library in the mastering rooms.
Hi Anm

My speakers are Rethm Saadhanas and my amp too has been custom made by Jacob at Rethm. All cables, including power cords, are Acoustic System Liveline, save the speaker cables which are Rethm.
Hi Gobble

I had the Bellavista Signature table, the B7 titanium arm, BOBOLI signature cartridge, Dumbo power supply and Golednote Phono 2. It would be regarded as a mid level set up.

Here is a review of the set up.
High Fidelity
IN the review, the cartridge used is a slightly better one.

The Esoteric rig i have is the P70 D70. The current equivalent model of this would be the Esoteric P03 D03. The P03 D03 does SACD while mine does not. The P70 infact uses the same transport mechanism as the current Esoteric top of the line P01.

IMO the Esoteric sounds more efortless and involving than the vinyl rig. The vinyl rig had a slightly more seductive midrange but on almost all other standard hifi attributes like dynamics, treble, bass, soundstage, details, transparency the Esoteric was far superior.

You frighten me my man!! Calling that mid-level ... :ohyeah: and now you have given me some esoteric dreams :licklips: and a fear of a disappearing bank balance ... :sad:


Enjoy yourself back into CD. Heared about your gear from Asit and now seeing the price range - its just expensive. Please do not call them midfi , we will then remain as "lowfivision " member throughout.

Hi Pratimbayal

When Asit heard the set up it was playing all wrong. My power cords at that time were brand new and everything was sounding quite shrill, congested and opaque. What Asit heard was simply not the Esoteric sound. I never did call the Esoteric rig mid level. My vinyl rig is what i had called mid level.
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My low-fi dream machine...
Ever since I got the Bryston BP6/3B SST I can't keep my hands/eyes/ears off them!Have never loved a 'machine' so much before.I am completely,totally awed by the build quality and performance of the Brystons.Without going into audiophile hyperbole,all I will say is that the best and most complex music ever composed ...Beethoven,Bach,Mozart,Mahler,Schubert,Schumann....sounds absolutely stunning.Clean,neutral,accurate,powerful.No BS in the Brystons.Which is why my next upgrade when it comes would be the BCD 1 cd player.
Personally I have never considered Vinyl because I have an extensive cd collection built over the last 15-20 years.Recently I was able to carry out a massive reshuffle of my collection by selling more than 100+ cd's and 200+ cassettes on the forum.Suri,Capt.Rajesh,Pratim,Saikat,Anm,Avidyarthi--I hope all of you get as much pleasure from the music as I did.A lot of blood,sweat and tears went into collecting those cd's but I want to move purely into a western classical zone.At the moment I also listen to a lot of jazz from the mid 30's,right up till the demise of John Coltrane(The day the music died).After the sale I was left with 200+cd's and have subsequently added 150+ new cd's of composers I have previously not spent much time with...Bela Bartok,Stravinsky,Shostakovich,Khachaturian,Messiaen,Rachmaninov,Tchaikovsky,Schumann,Brahms.The idea is to spend my future cash reserves on refining my cd collection as the source/amp/seaker/cables is fine....maybe replacing the Arcam CD192 with the Bryston BCD1.
Personally I feel that the majority of forum members are spending too much time and money on their equipment and not enough on their music collection.Perhaps most audiophiles do that.However to each his own.
Having said that,there are several set ups owned by forum members that given a chance,I would love to hear.High on my list are the gears of
I'm sure there are many more :)
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Hi Ajay

You are most welcome to come home. Do hear Shantis gear. His DCS front end is truly outstanding. Shantis gear is what you should hear first because you will know what a true high end gear sounds like. And for gods sake there is no such thing as low level and high level. The idea is to enjoy the music.
'The idea is to enjoy the music.'
That is what I strongly believe in.For me the equipment will always be a prop to the music.A precious and well loved prop.Yes.But I would give pride of place to the cd's I listen to.Guess I am just not cut out to be a 'pure' audiophile-one who is constantly fretting,fuming,tinkering,tweaking and sweating over his gear.
I was just joking about low-fi.We all have our budget constraints and have to live and listen within them.
And that's four 'invites' I have now!Manav,Shanti,Rajiv,Prem-Thank you!
And in return all of you are welcome to experience the pleasures of Chandigarh...Le Corbusier's beautifully planned city,the lake,rock garden,wine,dine and music at my place....
Dal Makhni and Butter Chicken too!If you (unlike me) are interested in Punjabi food!
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Two things i really liked when the vinyl rig was with me were the Onzow stylus cleaner and the Spin Clean Record Washer. The Spin Clean is an absolutely fantastic product and it costs about $80. There was a marked difference between hand cleaning and cleaning the LP on Spin Clean. I am not talking about visual appearance but about the sound quality. The dynamics, clarity and treble improved.

Since your post Prem, I've been researching the Spin Clean and it seems just the ticket for a lazy bum like me. It also fits how I like to clean records, in batches. Manual cleaning and manual vacuuming was resulting in my cleaning less and less and this device seems to work cos of the flocculant. Spin, wipe and leave to dry. Ahhhhhh... how blessedly simple! I think am gonna treat myself to it quite soon! Thanks for bringing it up!!! :licklips:

By the way, caught a glimpse of your erstwhile vinyl rig along with George in you know what magazine ;)
'The idea is to enjoy the music.'
That is what I strongly believe in.For me the equipment will always be a prop to the music.A precious and well loved prop.Yes.But I would give pride of place to the cd's I listen to.Guess I am just not cut out to be a 'pure' audiophile-one who is constantly fretting,fuming,tinkering,tweaking and sweating over his gear.
I was just joking about low-fi.We all have our budget constraints and have to live and listen within them.
And that's four 'invites' I have now!Manav,Shanti,Rajiv,Prem-Thank you!
And in return all of you are welcome to experience the pleasures of Chandigarh...Le Corbusier's beautifully planned city,the lake,rock garden,wine,dine and music at my place....
Dal Makhni and Butter Chicken too!If you (unlike me) are interested in Punjabi food!

You're most welcome over if you want to. I'd suggest Siva's, Cadence and my amp so you can get a first hand experience of different tube setups since you were interested in tube sound, and Prithvi's for the Rethms which I think he runs with a tube amp, Unison Research. I could clean some good classical records and keep em ready :)

Its very strange. All my life i have been a digital guy and i get written about my vinyl experience.
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