Great musicians of the 20th century


If market is falling or rising rapidly would that be a herd instinct?

If yes. then what is the way out, go against the market by going short/long or something else?



In the past I tried to go against the movement of the herd. I got badly bruised, trampled over and lost my entire capital. I withdrew from the market with 45 rupees left in my account! I consider what I lost as a blood sacrifice which has to be offered to the gods of the market by every new entrant.

In my second outing I have recovered most of what I lost. Simply by identifying the leaders of the herd and hitching my wagon to the star they are following :)

On basis of your earlier post it was quite evident that you come from a school of going against the herd. Frankly speaking until a few years ago i too was on this track and indeed i too lost money.

The new entrants have lost money because we were not wise in our trading as we thought it is very easy to make money but the truth is otherwise, in other words we are to be blamed for losses and not otherwise.

It is great that you have recovered most of your losses, often at these recoveries we realize the mistakes we have done in the past and indeed we also realize the correct steps which we have taken by which profits were made by us and indeed the luck factor also exists.

It is nice to know that you too follow the herd/trend, i think this is among the ways it should be, backed with due risk management.

By following a leader of the trend, it could be a battle half won because in every 3 months or so there is a new leader overtaking the one we are holding and importantly in every few months there is a another sector rising then what we are latching upon. In view to this i strongly prefer to switch sides with following new trades, such flexibility is a must for me.



In the past I tried to go against the movement of the herd. I got badly bruised, trampled over and lost my entire capital. I withdrew from the market with 45 rupees left in my account! I consider what I lost as a blood sacrifice which has to be offered to the gods of the market by every new entrant.

In my second outing I have recovered most of what I lost. Simply by identifying the leaders of the herd and hitching my wagon to the star they are following :)
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Benson the entertainer plays the guitar as well(but sure the other Benson plays at a different level altogether), for some reason i love 70's and 80's music, specially Disco, i loved it since i was very young and this has not changed till today.

George Benson - Give Me The Night (1980) HD - YouTube

Since there is a conversation about guitar players,i like a guitar player who i guess many might not probably know or even consider as a good guitar player but i simply love the way he plays guitar, the artist known as Prince. :)

They sing "while my guitar gently weeps" as a tribute to beetles at the rock and roll hall of fame,Price plays from 3.28 mins and i like how he plays.
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Since there is a conversation about guitar players,i like a guitar player who i guess many might not probably know or even consider as a good guitar player but i simply love the way he plays guitar, the artist known as Prince. :)

They sing "while my guitar gently weeps" as a tribute to beetles at the rock and roll hall of fame,Price plays from 3.28 mins and i like how he plays.

Prince, Tom Petty, Steve Winwood, Jeff Lynne and others -- "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" - YouTube

TAFKAP: The Artist Formerly Known As Prince, was the covoluted moniker he had to go by when he chose to be a symbol.

He's a certifiable genius. And after that blistering fretwork on While My Guitar Gently Weeps, he is a genuine guitar great in my humble books.

PS: Benson's This Masquerade is one great number - from both vocal as well as guitar points of view.

PPS: when I started listening to Benson (not too long ago), I realised that his brand of guitar music is the one Indian Airlines used to play when a plane lands and is coasting to a stop. I used to hear this when I was much younger and used to wonder what sort of music this was.:) To my untrained ears, the electric guitar tone was the pure sort, without effects like overdrive or flanger or chorus, "phat" and warm.
He's a certifiable genius. And after that blistering fretwork on While My Guitar Gently Weeps, he is a genuine guitar great in my humble books.

I feel the same way about him so i am going to agree with you on this.:cheers:
I am normally a cynic but Phil Ochs makes me sentimental. He has the power to make grown men cry. He has the power to move mountains, to turn the course of rivers, to crack the blue sky wide open and allow us to glimpse infinity. Phil mostly sang what he wrote himself. But "The Highwayman" is based on a poem by Alfred Noyes. It is so beautifully written and sung that it can break your heart with its gradually unfolding beauty and terror. Billie Shakespeare wrote that "a thing of beauty is a joy forever". For me Beauty=Phil Ochs.

"The wind was a torrent of darkness
Among the gusty trees
The moon was a ghostly galleon
Tossed upon cloudy seas
And the road was a ribbon of moonlight
Over the purple moor
And the highwayman came riding, riding, riding
Yes, the highwayman came riding
Up to the old inn door
Over the cobbles he clattered
And clashed in the darkened yard
And he tapped with his whip at the window
But all was locked and barred
So he whistled a tune to the window
And who should be waiting there
But the landlord's black eyed daughter
Bess the landlord's daughter
Plaiting a dark red love knot
Into her long black hair
One kiss, my bonny sweetheart
For I'm after a prize tonight
But I shall be back with the yellow gold
Before the morning light
Yet if they press me sharply
Harry me through the day
Oh, then look for me by moonlight
Watch for me by moonlight
And I'll come to thee by moonlight
Though Hell should bar the way
He did not come at the dawning
No, he did not come at the noon
And out of the tawny sunset
before the rise of the moon
When the road was a gypsy's ribbon
Looping the purple moor
Oh a redcoat troop came marching, marching, marching
King George's men came marching
Up to the old inn door
And they bound the landlord's daughter
with many a sniggering jest
And they bound the musket beside her
With the barrel beneath her breast
Now keep good watch and they kissed her
She heard the dead man say
"Oh look for me by moonlight
Watch for me by moonlight
And I'll come to thee by moonlight
Though Hell should bar the way"
Look for me by moonlight
Hoof beats ringing clear
Watch for me by moonlight
Were they deaf that they did not hear
For he rode on the gypsy highway
She breathed one final breath
Then her finger moved in the moonlight
Her musket shattered the moonlight
And it shattered her breast in the moonlight
And warned him with her death
Oh he turned; he spurred on to the west
He did not know who stood
Out with her black hair a flowing down
Drenched with her own red blood
Oh not 'til the dawn had he heard it
And his face grew gray to hear
How Bess the landlord's daughter
The landlord's black eyed daughter
Had watched for her love in the moonlight
And died in the darkness there
Back he spurred like a madman
Shrieking a curse to the sky
With the white road smoking behind him
And his rapier brandished high
Blood red were his spurs in the golden noon
Wine red his velvet coat
When they shot him down on the highway
Down like a dog on the highway
And he lay in his blood on the highway
With a bunch of lace at his throat
And still on a winter's night they say
When the wind is in the trees
When the moon is a ghostly galleon
Tossed upon cloudy seas
When the road is a ribbon of moonlight
Over the purple moor
Oh the highwayman comes riding, riding, riding
Yes the highwayman comes riding
Up to the old inn door."
-Alfred Noyes

phil ochs - the highwayman - YouTube
Yesterday I had gone to Delhi to buy a bunch of ancient Nikon legacy lenses. The search for ancient lenses led me to ancient turntables and a gold mine of vinyls. The man has been collecting vintage music and music systems for 50 years! Collecting Bollywood, classical, jazz, rock, pop and possibly every genre which ever made it to the Indian shores. He claims he has close to 50000 records. We played Miles Davis and Mozart. Mohammed Rafi and Geeta Bali. And many more albums. But what bowled me over was a song by Kishore Kumar which I had never heard before. The vocals brimmed with energy and vitality. It was the voice of a gifted singer at the peak of his youth. It was the voice of a rebel. A romantic. A philosopher....rahee hu mai apnee dhun kaa, kahin aur chala jaunga/dhundhoge mujhe ro ro key, mai hath nahee aaunga/jiddee hu magar nahee dil kaa bura/hai dil me woh hontho pe la raha hu
Ilaiyaraaja - a genius and IMO one among greatest musicians of this planet,he is right there up with dvorak,mozart,chopin and few other geniuses.

Ilaiyaraaja - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How to Name it- Ilayaraja - YouTube

Do Anything-How to Name it - YouTube

Ilaiyaraja - Live in Italy - Mood Kaapi - YouTube

Wow !!! I was searching through this entire thread to see if Shree. Ilayaraja was listed and finally you have put his name in this thread. Thanks !!!
Not only he stands right there up with Bach, Chopin, etc, but also his longevity. For a man to compose songs and back ground music for more than 1000 films need a mention. He has produced mesmerizing compositions and I don't think any words can match to describe his compositions.:yahoo:
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